- mooring dolphin
- причальный брус* * *швартовный пал
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Dolphin (structure) — For other uses, see Dolphin (disambiguation). Dolphin structures in Germany. A dolphin is a man made marine structure that extends above the water level and is not connected to shore. Dolphins are usually installed to provide a fixed structure… … Wikipedia
dolphin — dol phin (d[o^]l f[i^]n), n. [F. dauphin dolphin, dauphin, earlier spelt also doffin; cf. OF. dalphinal of the dauphin; fr. L. delphinus, Gr. delfi s a dolphin (in senses 1, 2, 3, & 6), perh. properly, belly fish; cf. delfy s womb, Skr. garbha;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Dolphin fly — dolphin dol phin (d[o^]l f[i^]n), n. [F. dauphin dolphin, dauphin, earlier spelt also doffin; cf. OF. dalphinal of the dauphin; fr. L. delphinus, Gr. delfi s a dolphin (in senses 1, 2, 3, & 6), perh. properly, belly fish; cf. delfy s womb, Skr.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Dolphin striker — dolphin dol phin (d[o^]l f[i^]n), n. [F. dauphin dolphin, dauphin, earlier spelt also doffin; cf. OF. dalphinal of the dauphin; fr. L. delphinus, Gr. delfi s a dolphin (in senses 1, 2, 3, & 6), perh. properly, belly fish; cf. delfy s womb, Skr.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
dolphin — [däl′fin, dôl′fin] n. [ME dolfin < OFr dalphin < VL dalfinus, for L delphinus < Gr delphinos, gen. of delphis (< IE base * gwelbh ): so named from its shape] 1. any of two widespread families (Platanistidae and Delphinidae) of toothed … English World dictionary
dolphin — noun Etymology: Middle English delphyn, dolphyn, from Anglo French delphin, alteration of Old French dalfin, from Medieval Latin dalfinus, alteration of Latin delphinus, from Greek delphin , delphis; akin to Greek delphys womb, Sanskrit garbha… … New Collegiate Dictionary
dolphin — noun 1》 a small gregarious and intelligent toothed whale with a beak like snout and a curved fin on the back. [Families Delphinidae (marine) and Platanistidae (river dolphins): many species.] 2》 (also dolphinfish) another term for dorado (in… … English new terms dictionary
dolphin — A cetacean. A mammal of the sea, being a kind of whale. A porpoise. A buoy or float used as a mooring for a boat and also as a means of boarding a boat … Ballentine's law dictionary
dolphin — n. 1 any of various porpoise like sea mammals of the family Delphinidae having a slender beaklike snout. 2 (in general use) = DORADO 1. 3 a bollard, pile, or buoy for mooring. 4 a structure for protecting the pier of a bridge. 5 a curved fish in… … Useful english dictionary
Byford Dolphin — in dry dock at Invergordon (Scotland, UK) in 2008 Career Name: Byford Dolphin … Wikipedia
buoy — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. float; marker; bellbuoy, lifebuoy. See navigation, indication. II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. float, drift, floating marker; see float 1 . Types of buoys include: bell, can, life, nun, light, whistling. III… … English dictionary for students