
1) момент (вращающий, крутящий)
2) момент (времени)

moment at fixed end — момент защемления, момент в заделанном конце

moment at support — опорный момент

moment resulting from sideway — момент, вызванный боковым смещением рамы

to balance a moment — уравновешивать момент

to place moments in equilibrium — уравновешивать моменты

- moment of couple - moment of deflection - moment of external forces - moment of flexure - moment of force - moment of force about an axis - moment of force tending to capsize - moment of friction - moment of gyration - moment of inertia - moment of load - moment of resistance - moment of rotation - moment of rupture - moment of span - moment of stability - moment of stiffness - moment of torsion - moment of wind pressure - applied moment - area moment - bending moment - bending moment coefficients - breaking moment - cantilever moment - cantilever bending moment - carried-over moment - central moment - centrifugal moment - centrifugal moment of inertia - column moment - core moment - counter balance moment - critical moment - deadload moment - design moment - destabilizing moment - distributing moment - driving moment - edge moment - end moment - end restraint moment - equivalent bending moment - first moment - first moment of area - fixing moment - fixed-end moment - fixed-edge moment - full plastic moment - geometrical moment of inertia - girder moment - hydraulic moment - least moment of inertia - least moment of inertia of a section - lifting moment - live-load moment - locking moment - negative moment - overturning moment - polar moment - polar moment of inertia - positive moment - reactive moment - resisting moment - restoring moment - right-hand moment - righting moment - rotative moment - secant moment - second moment - secondary moment - section moment - sectoral moment of inertia - simple-beam moment - slab moment - starting moment - static moment - statical moment - stiffness moment - sum moment - support moment - tilting moment - torque moment - torsion moment - torsional moment - turning moment - twisting moment - ultimate bending moment - unbalanced moment - virtual moment - volume change moment - vortex moment - wedging moment - wind moment - zero moment
* * *

moment about any axis — момент относительно оси

moment about any point — момент относительно точки

moment at any section in the length of a beam — момент в любом сечении по длине балки

moments exerted by redundant members [by redundants] — моменты, возникающие при наложении избыточных связей

moment induced in a section — момент, возникший в сечении

moment opposite in sign — момент, противоположный по знаку

moment produced by dead load — момент от постоянной нагрузки

moment produced by live load — момент от временной нагрузки

moment required to produce a unit rotation — момент, вызывающий единичный угол поворота (конца стержня)

moment resulting from sidesway — момент от бокового упругого перемещения рамы

moments yielding the same rotation — моменты, вызывающие одинаковый угол поворота (концов стержней и т. п.)

- moment of area
- moment of external forces
- moment of force
- moment of inertia
- moment of inertia about neutral axis
- moment of inertia about parallel axis
- moment of inertia of a cross section
- moment of inertia of a section
- moment of reversed sign
- moment of rupture
- applied moment
- area moment
- axial moment
- axial moment of inertia
- balanced moment
- bar moment
- bending moment
- bending moment at any section of a beam
- breaking bending moment
- cantilever moment
- carried-over moment
- carryover moment
- central moment of inertia
- clockwise moment
- continuity moment
- counterclockwise moment
- cracking moment
- critical moment
- dead-load moment
- deviation moment
- distributed moment
- dummy unit moment
- edge moment
- edge torque moment
- end moment
- external moment
- failing moment
- first moment
- fixed-end moment
- fixing moment
- hogging moment
- internal moment
- joint moment
- least moment of inertia of a section
- least moment of inertia
- meridional bending moment
- midpoint bending moment
- negative bending moment
- negative moment
- node point moment
- out-of-balance moment
- overturning moment
- overturning moment due to wind forces
- plastic moment
- polar moment of inertia
- positive bending moment
- positive moment
- reduced plastic moment
- resisting moment
- restoring moment due to dead loads
- second moment of area
- secondary moment
- second axial moment of area
- second polar moment of area
- simple-beam moment
- support moment
- static moment
- static moment of area
- stress moment
- thrust moment
- torque moment
- torsional moment
- torsion moment
- twisting moment
- ultimate bending moment
- ultimate moment
- ultimate design resisting moment
- ultimate resisting moment
- unbalanced moment
- unit moment
- yield moment
- zero moment

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "moment" в других словарях:

  • moment — [ mɔmɑ̃ ] n. m. • 1119; lat. momentum, contract. de movimentum « mouvement » I ♦ 1 ♦ Espace de temps limité (relativement à une durée totale) considéré le plus souvent par rapport aux faits qui le caractérisent. ⇒ 2. instant, intervalle; heure,… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • moment — 1. (mo man) s. m. 1°   Partie petite, mais indéterminée, du temps. •   Un moment donne au sort des visages divers, CORN. Cid, I, 1. •   Un moment l a fait naître, un moment va l éteindre, CORN. ib. II, 3. •   Un moment est bien long à qui ne sait …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • moment — MOMÉNT, momente, s.n. 1. Interval scurt de timp; clipă, secundă. ♢ loc. adj. De moment = de scurtă durată; efemer; vremelnic. ♢ loc. adv. Pentru moment = provizoriu, deocamdată, pentru scurt timp. Pe moment = în prima clipă, în acea clipă. În tot …   Dicționar Român

  • Moment — Moment(s) may refer to: Moment (time) Contents 1 Science, engineering, and mathematics 2 Art and entertainment …   Wikipedia

  • moment — MOMENT. s. m. Instant, la plus petite partie du temps qu on puisse s imaginer. Il n y a aucun moment dans la vie où nous n ayons besoin de la toute puissance de Dieu pour nous conserver. le moment de la conception. le moment de la mort. l… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Moment — Mo ment, n. [F. moment, L. momentum, for movimentum movement, motion, moment, fr. movere to move. See {Move}, and cf. {Momentum}, {Movement}.] 1. A minute portion of time; a point of time; an instant; as, at that very moment. [1913 Webster] In a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • moment — {{/stl 13}}{{stl 8}}rz. mnż I, D. u, Mc. momentncie {{/stl 8}}{{stl 20}} {{/stl 20}}{{stl 12}}1. {{/stl 12}}{{stl 7}} relatywnie mały odcinek czasu; chwila, chwilka : {{/stl 7}}{{stl 10}}Zrobić coś, przyjść, wyjść za moment. To zajmie tylko… …   Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień

  • moment — mòment (mòmenat, momȅnt) m <G mn nātā> DEFINICIJA 1. a. kratak interval; čas, tren, trenutak b. poseban trenutak u vremenu, naročito u sadašnjosti [u ovom momentu važno je biti priseban] 2. a. izdvojeni dio čega što se zbiva, događaja ili… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • Moment — Sm std. (13. Jh.), mhd. mōmente f Entlehnung. Ist entlehnt aus l. mōmentum n., eigentlich Bewegung, Dauer einer Bewegung , zu l. movēre bewegen . Im Sinne von Bewegkraft, ausschlaggebende Kraft daneben Moment n. Das maskuline Genus nach frz.… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • Moment — ¹Moment Atemzug, Augenblick, Minute, Nu, Sekunde. ²Moment Element, Faktor, Gesichtspunkt, Hinsicht, Umstand; (bildungsspr.): Aspekt. * * * Moment: I.Moment,der:1.⇨Augenblick(1)–2.imM.:⇨jetzt(1);imletztenM.:⇨Augenblick(2);voreinemM.:⇨eben(2) …   Das Wörterbuch der Synonyme

  • moment — (n.) mid 14c., very brief portion of time, instant, in moment of time, from O.Fr. moment (12c.) moment, minute; importance, weight, value or directly from L. momentum movement, motion; moving power; alteration, change; also short time, instant… …   Etymology dictionary

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