- moisture soak-up
- впитывание влаги
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
soak — vb Soak, saturate, drench, steep, impregnate, sop, waterlog can mean to permeate or be permeated with or as if with water. Soak suggests immersion in a liquid so that the substance absorbs the moisture and usually becomes thoroughly wetted,… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
soak — [sōk] vt. [ME soken < OE socian < base of sucan: see SUCK] 1. to make thoroughly wet; drench or saturate [soaked to the skin by the rain] 2. to submerge or keep in a liquid, as for thorough wetting, softening, for hydrotherapy, etc. 3. a)… … English World dictionary
Soak — Soak, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Soaked}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Soaking}.] [OE. soken, AS. socian to sioak, steep, fr. s?can, s?gan, to suck. See {Suck}.] 1. To cause or suffer to lie in a fluid till the substance has imbibed what it can contain; to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
soak|age — «SOH kihj», noun. 1. the act of soaking. 2. the condition of being soaked. 3. the liquid which has filtered or oozed up; seepage. 4. the liquid soaked up; moisture absorbed … Useful english dictionary
Moisture — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Moisture >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 moisture moisture Sgm: N 1 moistness moistness &c. >Adj. Sgm: N 1 humidity humidity humectation Sgm: N 1 madefaction| madefaction| dew Sgm: N 1 serein … English dictionary for students
soak — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. t. wet, drench, saturate, steep; absorb; permeate; drink, tipple; slang, overcharge, bleed. See water, moisture, dryness, drinking, dearness. II (Roget s IV) v. 1. [To drench] Syn. drench, wet,… … English dictionary for students
soak — soaker, n. soakingly, adv. /sohk/, v.i. 1. to lie in and become saturated or permeated with water or some other liquid. 2. to pass, as a liquid, through pores, holes, or the like: The rain soaked through the tear in the umbrella. 3. to be… … Universalium
soak — /soʊk / (say sohk) verb (i) 1. to lie in and become saturated or permeated with water or some other liquid. 2. to pass (in, through, out, etc.), as a liquid, through pores or interstices. 3. to be thoroughly wet. 4. to become known slowly: the… …
soak up — 1) PHRASAL VERB If a soft or dry material soaks up a liquid, the liquid goes into the substance. [V P n (not pron)] The cells will promptly start to soak up moisture. [Also V n P] 2) PHRASAL VERB If you soak up the sun, you sit or lie in the sun … English dictionary
moisture — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Dampness Nouns 1. moisture, moistness, humidity, dampness, wet[ness], dankness, clamminess; hygrometry. See water. 2. dew, fog, mist. See cloudiness, vapor. 3. wetlands, marsh[land], swamp[land],… … English dictionary for students
soak — [[t]soʊk[/t]] v. i. 1) to lie in and become saturated or permeated with water or some other liquid 2) to pass, as a liquid, through pores, holes, or the like: Rain soaked through the roof[/ex] 3) to be thoroughly wet 4) to penetrate or become… … From formal English to slang