- minor change
- незначительное изменение; незначительное изменение проекта (принимаемое лицом авторского или технического надзора)
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
minor change — very small change, slight alteration … English contemporary dictionary
change — I verb adapt, adjust, alter, be converted, be inconstant, be irresolute, convert, convertere in, deviate, displace, diverge, evolve, exchange, fluctuate, give in exchange, go through phases, immutare, innovate, interchange, make a transition,… … Law dictionary
change — [chānj] vt. changed, changing [ME changen < OFr changier < LL cambiare < L cambire, to exchange, barter < Celt (as in OIr camb) < IE base * kamb , to bend, crook (> Welsh cam, Bret kamm, crooked)] 1. to put or take (a thing) in… … English World dictionary
change — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Alteration Nouns 1. change, alteration, mutation, permutation, variation, modification, modulation, innovation, metastasis; transition; menopause; deviation, flux, turn; shift; diversion, break; reform,… … English dictionary for students
Change Myself — Studio album by Iconiq Released March 10, 2010 ( … Wikipedia
Minor metals — is a widely used term in the metal industry that generally refers to primary metals not traded on the London Metal Exchange (LME). Contents 1 Characteristics 2 Industry 3 Production 4 Applications … Wikipedia
Minor (surname) — Minor is a surname shared by several notable people: Benjamin Blake Minor (1818 1905), American educator and writer Charles Landon Carter Minor (1835 1903), American educator Claudie Minor (born 1951), American professional football player Edward … Wikipedia
change — vb Change, alter, vary, modify (and their corresponding nouns change, alteration, variation, modification) are comparable when denoting to make or become different (or when denoting a difference effected). Change and alter are sometimes… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Minor Basilica of the Immaculate Conception — is also known as Minor Basilica of Our Lady of Immaculate Conception (English) or Basilica Minore dela Inmaculada Concepcion (Spanish) or Basilica Minore dela Nuestra Señora de Inmaculada Concepcion (Spanish) A Roman Catholic church having a… … Wikipedia
Minor Swing — may refer to: Minor Swing (song) by Django Reinhardt Stéphane Grappelli Minor Swing (album) by Big John Patton This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the same title. If an … Wikipedia
Change Ringing — Wechselläuten (auch Variationsläuten, engl. Change Ringing) ist eine hauptsächlich im angelsächsischen Kulturraum verbreitete Kunstform des Glockenläutens. Drei bis zwölf, manchmal mehr, selten aber über sechzehn Glocken werden reihum geläutet,… … Deutsch Wikipedia