- microclimate
- микроклимат* * *микроклимат- space microclimate
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
microclimate — (n.) 1918, from MICRO (Cf. micro ) + CLIMATE (Cf. climate). Related: Microclimatology … Etymology dictionary
microclimate — ► NOUN ▪ the climate of a very small or restricted area … English terms dictionary
microclimate — [mī′krōklī΄mit] n. [ MICRO + CLIMATE] the climate of a small, distinct area, as a forest, or of a confined space, as a building … English World dictionary
Microclimate — For the viticultural use of the term microclimate, see Regional climates levels in viticulture. Microclimate on rock located in intertidal zone in Sunrise on Sea, South Africa … Wikipedia
microclimate — microclimatic /muy kroh kluy mat ik/, adj. microclimatically, adv. /muy kreuh kluy mit/, n. the climate of a small area, as of confined spaces such as caves or houses (cryptoclimate), of plant communities, wooded areas, etc. (phytoclimate), or of … Universalium
microclimate — UK [ˈmaɪkrəʊˌklaɪmət] / US [ˈmaɪkroʊˌklaɪmət] noun [countable] Word forms microclimate : singular microclimate plural microclimates the weather or temperature in a specific small area, especially when this is different from the weather or… … English dictionary
microclimate — noun A small, local region having a unique pattern of weather or weather effects. The microclimate on the south side of a building may differ from the one on the north, so that different plants may thrive … Wiktionary
microclimate — mi|cro|cli|mate [ˈmaıkrəuˌklaımıt US krou ] n the weather patterns in one small area, which are different from the weather patterns in the surrounding area ▪ The valley has its own unique microclimate … Dictionary of contemporary English
microclimate — /ˈmaɪkroʊˌklaɪmət/ (say muykroh.kluymuht) noun the climate affecting a localised region, often created by terrain or conditions which are not prevalent throughout the wider area, ranging from something as small as a garden bed to something as… …
microclimate — patalpos mikroklimatas statusas Aprobuotas sritis žemės ūkio inžinerinė plėtra ir techninė pažanga apibrėžtis Patalpos temperatūros, oro švaros, apšviestumo, triukšmo ir kitų rodiklių visuma. atitikmenys: angl. microclimate vok. Mikroklima, m rus … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
microclimate — mikroklimatas statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Nedidelės teritorijos pažemio klimatas, susidarantis dėl žemės paviršiaus įvairumo (mikrotopografijos, augalijos, vandens telkinių, statinių). atitikmenys: angl. microclimate vok … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas