- mezzanine
- 1) мезонин; антресоли2) театр. помещение под сценой* * *1. антресоль2. первый ярус (в театре)
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
mezzanine — [ mɛdzanin ] n. f. • 1676; it. mezzanino « entresol », de mezzo « milieu, moitié » 1 ♦ Petit entresol ménagé entre deux grands étages. Par ext. Petite fenêtre d entresol. 2 ♦ (1944) Petit étage entre l orchestre et le premier balcon, dans une… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Mezzanine — Álbum de Massive Attack Publicación 27 de abril de 1998 Grabación 1997 1998 Género(s) Trip hop Dura … Wikipedia Español
Mezzanine — Студийный альбом Massive Attack Дата выпуска 12 мая 1998 Записан 1997 1998 … Википедия
Mezzanine — bezeichnet: Mezzanine (Album), ein Album von Massive Attack Mezzanine Kapital, eine Finanzierungsart Mezzanine Board, ein elektrotechnisches Bauteil Siehe auch: Mezzanin – Halb oder Zwischengeschoss eines mehrstöckigen Gebäudes … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mezzanine — Mez za*nine, n. [F. mezzanine, It. mezzanino, fr. mezzano middle, fr. mezzo middle, half. See {Mezzo}.] 1. (Arch.) (a) Same as {Entresol}. (b) A partial story which is not on the same level with the story of the main part of the edifice, as of a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
mezzanine — UK US /ˈmetsəniːn/ /ˈmezə / US /ˈmezənin/ adjective [before noun] ► FINANCE relating to borrowed money that must be paid back by a company or organization with financial problems after paying its senior debt (= debt that must be paid before… … Financial and business terms
mezzanine — (n.) 1711, a low story between two tall ones in a building, from Fr. mezzanine (17c.), from It. mezzanino, from mezzano middle, from L. medianus of the middle, from medius (see MEDIAL (Cf. medial) (adj.)). Sense of lowest balcony in a theater… … Etymology dictionary
mezzanine — |mèzàníne| s. f. Ver mezanino. • Plural: mezzanines. ‣ Etimologia: francês mezzanine, do italiano mezzanino … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
mezzanine — [mez′ə nēn΄, mez΄ə nēn′] n. [Fr < It mezzanino < mezzano, middle < L medianus: see MEDIAN] 1. a low ceilinged story between two main stories in a building, usually immediately above the ground floor and in the form of a balcony… … English World dictionary
Mezzanīne — (ital.), in Halbgeschossen die Fenster von quadratischer od. ein wenig darüber erhöhter Form u. gleicher Breite, wie die Fenster der Stockwerke … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
mezzanine — a low storey between two others (usually between the ground and first floors), is pronounced mez sǝ neen or met sǝ neen … Modern English usage