methods of testing

methods of testing
методы испытаний

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "methods of testing" в других словарях:

  • testing ground — n 1.) a place where machines, cars etc are tested to see if they work properly 2.) a situation or problem in which you can try new ideas and methods to see if they work ▪ Eastern Europe has become a testing ground for high speed privatization …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Methods used to study memory — The study of memory incorporates research methodologies from neuropsychology, human development and dragon testing using a wide range of species. The complex phenomenon of memory is explored by combining evidence from many areas of research. New… …   Wikipedia

  • Methods engineering — Not to be confused with Method engineering in the field of information systems. Methods engineering is a subspecialty of Industrial engineering concerned with human integration in industrial production processes.[1] Contents 1 Overview 2 Methods… …   Wikipedia

  • Testing hypotheses suggested by the data — In statistics, hypotheses suggested by the data must be tested differently from hypotheses formed independently of the data.How to do it wrongFor example, suppose fifty different researchers, unaware of each other s work, run clinical trials to… …   Wikipedia

  • Taguchi methods — Methods of testing the design of a new product or service in the most extreme circumstances likely to occur. In theory, all possible design variables and combinations are investigated to achieve the optimum combination. In reality, this would be… …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • testing ground — noun (C) 1 a place where machines, cars etc are tried to see if they work properly 2 a situation or problem in which you can try new ideas and methods to see if they work: Eastern Europe has become a testing ground for high speed privatization …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • Software testing — is an empirical investigation conducted to provide stakeholders with information about the quality of the product or service under test [ [ Exploratory Testing] , Cem Kaner, Florida Institute of Technology,… …   Wikipedia

  • Electromagnetic testing — (ET), as a form of nondestructive testing, is the process of inducing electric currents or magnetic fields or both inside a test object and observing the electromagnetic response. If the test is set up properly, a defect inside the test object… …   Wikipedia

  • Stress testing (software) — In software testing, stress testing refers to tests that determine the robustness of software by testing beyond the limits of normal operation. Stress testing is particularly important for mission critical software, but is used for all types of… …   Wikipedia

  • Package testing — Military shipping container being drop tested Testing …   Wikipedia

  • Nondestructive testing — or Non destructive testing (NDT) is a wide group of analysis techniques used in science and industry to evaluate the properties of a material, component or system without causing damage.[1] The terms Nondestructive examination (NDE),… …   Wikipedia

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