method of fixed points

method of fixed points
метод неподвижных (фокусных) точек
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метод фокусов, метод фокусных точек

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "method of fixed points" в других словарях:

  • Fixed point iteration — In numerical analysis, fixed point iteration is a method of computing fixed points of iterated functions.More specifically, given a function f defined on the real numbers with real values and given a point x 0 in the domain of f, the fixed point… …   Wikipedia

  • Fixed point theorem — In mathematics, a fixed point theorem is a result saying that a function F will have at least one fixed point (a point x for which F ( x ) = x ), under some conditions on F that can be stated in general terms. Results of this kind are amongst the …   Wikipedia

  • fixed-point theorem — ▪ mathematics       any of various theorems in mathematics dealing with a transformation of the points of a set into points of the same set where it can be proved that at least one point remains fixed. For example, if each real number is squared …   Universalium

  • Fixed-gear bicycle — A fixed gear bicycle or fixed wheel bicycle, is a bicycle without the ability to coast. The sprocket is screwed directly on to the hub and there is no freewheel mechanism. A reverse thread lockring is usually fitted to prevent the sprocket from… …   Wikipedia

  • Periodic points of complex quadratic mappings — This article describes periodic points of some complex quadratic map. This theory is applied in relation with the theories of Fatou and Julia sets.DefinitionsLet :f c(z)=z^2+c, where z and c are complex valued. (This f is the complex quadratic… …   Wikipedia

  • Iterative method — In computational mathematics, an iterative method is a mathematical procedure that generates a sequence of improving approximate solutions for a class of problems. A specific implementation of an iterative method, including the termination… …   Wikipedia

  • False position method — The false position method or regula falsi method is a term for problem solving methods in algebra and calculus. In simple terms, these methods begin by attempting to evaluate a problem using test ( false ) values for the variables, and then… …   Wikipedia

  • Steffensen's method — In numerical analysis, Steffensen s method is a root finding method. It is similar to Newton s method and it also achieves quadratic convergence, but it does not use derivatives. The method is named after Johan Frederik Steffensen.imple… …   Wikipedia

  • Banach fixed-point theorem — In mathematics, the Banach fixed point theorem (also known as the contraction mapping theorem or contraction mapping principle) is an important tool in the theory of metric spaces; it guarantees the existence and uniqueness of fixed points of… …   Wikipedia

  • Banach fixed point theorem — The Banach fixed point theorem (also known as the contraction mapping theorem or contraction mapping principle) is an important tool in the theory of metric spaces; it guarantees the existence and uniqueness of fixed points of certain self maps… …   Wikipedia

  • Revaluation of fixed assets — In finance, a revaluation of fixed assets is a technique that may be required to accurately describe the true value of the capital goods a business owns.Fixed assets are held by an enterprise for the purpose of producing goods or rendering… …   Wikipedia

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