- mechanical system
- механическая система
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Mechanical system — This article is about systems that manage mechanical movement. For other uses, see Machine (disambiguation). A mechanical system manages power to accomplish a task that involves forces and movement. Mechanical is derived from the Latin word… … Wikipedia
mechanical system — mechaninė sistema statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. mechanical system vok. mechanisches System, n rus. механическая система, f pranc. système mécanique, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
mechanical system — mechaninė sistema statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Ilgio, masės ir laiko vienetais nusakoma sistema. atitikmenys: angl. mechanical system rus. механическая система … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
mechanical system — noun a system of elements that interact on mechanical principles • Hypernyms: ↑system • Hyponyms: ↑fuel injection, ↑fuel injection system, ↑linkage, ↑lubricating system, ↑force feed lubricating system, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
mechanical system — Any building service using machines. They include plumbing, elevators, escalators, and heating and air conditioning systems. The introduction of mechanization in buildings in the early 20th century brought about major adjustments; the new… … Universalium
Mechanical system — See HVAC system. California Energy Comission. Dictionary of Energy Terms … Energy terms
Mechanical systems drawing — is a type of technical drawing that shows information about heating, ventilating, and air conditioning;[1] it is a powerful tool that helps analyze a complex system.[2] These drawings are often a set of detailed drawings used for construction… … Wikipedia
Mechanical impedance — is a measure of how much a structure resists motion when subjected to a given force. It relates forces with velocities acting on a mechanical system. The mechanical impedance of a point on a structure is the ratio of the force applied at a point… … Wikipedia
Micro-Electro-Mechanical System — Mechanische Komponente (Zahnradgetriebe) eines Mikrosystem Ein Mikrosystem ist ein miniaturisiertes Gerät, das für eine bestimmte Aufgabe entwickelt wurde. Die Bezeichnung Mikrosystem leitet sich daraus ab, dass die Komponenten kleinste… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mechanical television — This schematic shows the circular paths traced by the holes in a Nipkow disk. Mechanical television (also called televisor) was a broadcast television system that used mechanical or electromechanical devices to capture and display video images.… … Wikipedia
Mechanical energy — An example of a mechanical system: A satellite is orbiting the Earth only influenced by the conservative gravitational force and the mechanical energy is therefore conserved. The satellite is accelerated towards the Earth with an acceleration… … Wikipedia