maximum load design

maximum load design
расчёт по предельным [разрушающим] нагрузкам

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "maximum load design" в других словарях:

  • Load factor (aerodynamics) — Load factor is the ratio of the lift on an aircraft to the weight of the aircraft.Clancy, L.J., Aerodynamics , section 5.22] Hurt, H.H., Aerodynamics for Naval Aviators , page 37] The load factor is expressed in multiples of g where one g… …   Wikipedia

  • Load regulation — is the capability to maintain a constant voltage (or current) level on the output channel of a power supply despite changes in load [cite web|title=Line and Load Regulation for Programmable DC Power Supplies and Precision DC Sources Developer… …   Wikipedia

  • Design 1047 battlecruiser — A plan and profile of Nevesbu s Project 1047; it is not specified if this depicts the final design.[1] Class overview Name …   Wikipedia

  • Design load — In a general sense, the design load is the maximum amount of something a system is designed to handle or the maximum amount of something that the system can produce, which are very different meanings. For example, a crane with a design load of 20 …   Wikipedia

  • Design and manufacturing of gears — Gear design is the process of designing a gear. Designing is done prior to manufacturing and includes calculation of the gear geometry, taking into account gear strength, wear characteristic of the gear teeth, material selection, gear alignment… …   Wikipedia

  • design load — The specified load below which a structural member, or a part thereof, is not designed to fail. It is usually expressed as the probable maximum limit load. Normal operating load is very much lower …   Aviation dictionary

  • design taxiing mass — The maximum mass of the aircraft at which structural provision is made for load liable to occur during use of the aircraft on the ground prior to the start of take off (ICAO). The design taxiing mass is equal to or more than the design takeoff… …   Aviation dictionary

  • Design Cooling Load —   The amount of conditioned air to be supplied by a cooling system; usually the maximum amount to be delivered based on a specified number of cooling degree days or design temperature …   Energy terms

  • Design Heating Load —   The amount of heated air, or heating capacity, to be supplied by a heating system; usually the maximum amount to be delivered based on a specified number of heating degree days or design outside temperature …   Energy terms

  • Structural load — Structural loads or actions are forces, deformations or accelerations applied to a structure or its components.[1][2] Loads cause stresses, deformations and displacements in structures. Assessment of their effects is carried out by the methods of …   Wikipedia

  • Automotive suspension design — is an aspect of automotive engineering, concerned with designing the suspension for cars and trucks.The process entails *selecting appropriate vehicle level targets *selecting a system architecture *choosing the location of the hard points , or… …   Wikipedia

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