material hose

material hose
материальный шланг, шланг для подачи разжиженных материалов или смесей

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "material hose" в других словарях:

  • Hose — (h[=o]z), n.; pl. {Hose}, formerly {Hosen} (h[=o] z n). [AS. hose; akin to D. hoos, G. hose breeches, OHG. hosa, Icel. hosa stocking, gather, Dan. hose stocking; cf. Russ. koshulia a fur jacket.] 1. Close fitting trousers or breeches, as formerly …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Hose — (h[=o]z), n.; pl. {Hose}, formerly {Hosen} (h[=o] z n). [AS. hose; akin to D. hoos, G. hose breeches, OHG. hosa, Icel. hosa stocking, gather, Dan. hose stocking; cf. Russ. koshulia a fur jacket.] 1. Close fitting trousers or breeches, as formerly …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Hose carriage — Hose Hose (h[=o]z), n.; pl. {Hose}, formerly {Hosen} (h[=o] z n). [AS. hose; akin to D. hoos, G. hose breeches, OHG. hosa, Icel. hosa stocking, gather, Dan. hose stocking; cf. Russ. koshulia a fur jacket.] 1. Close fitting trousers or breeches,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Hose cart — Hose Hose (h[=o]z), n.; pl. {Hose}, formerly {Hosen} (h[=o] z n). [AS. hose; akin to D. hoos, G. hose breeches, OHG. hosa, Icel. hosa stocking, gather, Dan. hose stocking; cf. Russ. koshulia a fur jacket.] 1. Close fitting trousers or breeches,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Hose company — Hose Hose (h[=o]z), n.; pl. {Hose}, formerly {Hosen} (h[=o] z n). [AS. hose; akin to D. hoos, G. hose breeches, OHG. hosa, Icel. hosa stocking, gather, Dan. hose stocking; cf. Russ. koshulia a fur jacket.] 1. Close fitting trousers or breeches,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Hose coupling — Hose Hose (h[=o]z), n.; pl. {Hose}, formerly {Hosen} (h[=o] z n). [AS. hose; akin to D. hoos, G. hose breeches, OHG. hosa, Icel. hosa stocking, gather, Dan. hose stocking; cf. Russ. koshulia a fur jacket.] 1. Close fitting trousers or breeches,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Hose truck — Hose Hose (h[=o]z), n.; pl. {Hose}, formerly {Hosen} (h[=o] z n). [AS. hose; akin to D. hoos, G. hose breeches, OHG. hosa, Icel. hosa stocking, gather, Dan. hose stocking; cf. Russ. koshulia a fur jacket.] 1. Close fitting trousers or breeches,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Hose wrench — Hose Hose (h[=o]z), n.; pl. {Hose}, formerly {Hosen} (h[=o] z n). [AS. hose; akin to D. hoos, G. hose breeches, OHG. hosa, Icel. hosa stocking, gather, Dan. hose stocking; cf. Russ. koshulia a fur jacket.] 1. Close fitting trousers or breeches,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Hose — Germanische Hose aus dem Thorsberger Moor, Mitte 4. Jh. Die Hose ist ein Kleidungsstück, das zur Verhüllung und Wärmung von Gesäß, Geschlechtsteilen und Beinen dient. Es ist neben dem Kleid und dem Rock ein Beinkleid. Hosen werden grundsätzlich… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Hose clamp — A hose clamp or hose clip is a device used to attach and seal a hose onto a fitting such as a barb or nib. A hose clamp is not the same as a pipe clamp which is a clamp made partly out of a pipe, not a clamp for clamping pipe. TypesMany types are …   Wikipedia

  • hose — hoseless, adj. hoselike, adj. /hohz/, n., pl. hose for 2, 3; hoses for 1, 4, 5; (Archaic) hosen /hoh zeuhn/; v., hosed, hosing. n. 1. a flexible tube for conveying a liquid, as water, to a desired point: a garden hose; a fire hose. 2. (used with… …   Universalium

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