
1) материал; мн. ч. грунты; материалы
2) материальный, вещественный

material retained on sieve — остаток на сите, надрешётный продукт

to agree upon a list of materials — согласовать перечень материалов

to damage construction materials during transportation — повредить строительные материалы во время транспортировки

to lack materials — испытывать недостаток материалов

to procure materials — приобретать материалы

to reduce the consumption of materials — сокращать расход материалов

to reject materials — браковать материалы

- abrasive material - active material - additional materials - adsorbing material - alternate material - antirot material - asbestos-containing construction materials - auxiliary materials - backfilling material - binding material - biostatic material - bituminous road materials - blasting material - brittle material - building materials - bulk material - cartographic materials - cartographical materials - cementing material - check of design material - coating material - constructional materials - consumption of materials - contractor's materials - corroding material - customer's materials - defective materials - delivery of materials - description of materials by weight - direct materials - durable material - emulsified bituminous materials - everyday need for materials - excavated material - expendable materials - experimental constructional material - explosive material - filter material - fireproof material - fire-resistant material - flux material - foam material - frostproof material - geologic materials - geological materials - geophysic materials - geophysical materials - granular materials - graphic material - graphical material - hazardous material - heat-insulating material - high grade material - hydro-geologic materials - hydro-geological materials - import materials - improper materials - indirect material - inflammable material - insulating materials - intrusion material - ion-exchange material - jointing material - lack of materials - lining material - list of materials - load transfer material - local building materials - locally manufactured materials - loose material - low-grade material - manufactured constructional materials - mismatched material - need for materials - nonused material - operational materials - parent material - patching material - paving material - procurement of materials - qualitative roofing material - quality of materials - radioactive material - raw material - refractory material - replacement of imported construction materials - required materials - roofing materials - rough material - sandwich material - sealing material - separation material - sound-damping material - source material - spongy material - standard material - substandard material - topographic material - topographical material - transportation of materials - utilization of materials - waterproofing material - written material
* * *
1.   материал, вещество
2.   грунт
3.   материальный, вещественный

materials by structural properties — материалы, классифицируемые по структурным свойствам

material retained on sieve — остаток на сите

- abrasion-resisting material
- abrasive material
- absorbent material
- acoustic material
- anisotropic material
- architectural constructional materials
- architectural construction materials
- argillaceous material
- artificial pozzolanic material
- backfilling material
- backing material
- bagged material
- ballast material
- binding material
- bituminous materials
- bonding material
- boxing material
- brittle material
- building materials
- calcareous material
- cellular material
- cement-bound granular material
- cementing material
- ceramic materials
- clayey materials
- coated material
- coating material
- combustible material
- combustible building materials
- composite material
- concrete materials
- concrete-making materials
- concrete repair materials
- constituent materials of concrete
- construction materials
- corrugated sheet material
- damping material
- dampproofing material
- defective material
- ductile material
- durable material
- engineering materials
- excavated material
- fast-setting repair material
- faulty material
- fiber reinforced material
- fill material
- filter material
- finishing material
- fire retarding material
- flexible sheet material
- fluid material
- foamed-in-place acoustical materials
- form material
- frost-free material
- graded material
- granular material
- granular subbase material
- gritting materials
- hazardous material
- heat insulating material
- high-grade materials
- highly insulative material
- high insulative material
- incombustible material
- industrial materials
- inorganic material
- insulating materials
- isotropic material
- jointing material
- joint-sealing material
- lagging materials
- laminated material
- lime-containing material
- linear-elastic material
- lining material
- load-bearing structural insulating material
- loose fill acoustical material
- loosely packed material
- low-tensile strength material
- maintenance patching material
- manufactured construction materials
- matrix material
- mineral fill material
- moisture-resistant insulating material
- natural mineral material
- near-by material
- noncombustible material
- nonconductive material
- noncreeping material
- nonhazardous material
- one-component material
- organic material
- original raw materials
- orthotropic material
- packaged material
- packaged dry concrete materials
- parent material
- phase change materials
- plastic material
- poultice material
- pozzolanic material
- prebagged material
- prebatched material
- radioactive material
- raw materials
- reactive silica material
- recycled material
- release material
- repair materials
- resilient materials
- restoration materials
- road materials
- rock material
- roofing material
- sealing material
- sheet acoustical material
- solar cell roofing material
- solid material
- sound material
- sound absorbent material
- sound-deadening material
- sound insulation material
- sparkle material
- sprayed-on material
- sticky material
- strain-hardening material
- structural materials
- synthetic material
- synthetic resinous material
- thermal insulating material
- toxic material
- trim materials
- unrefined raw materials
- vibration-damping material
- walling material
- waterproofing material
- waterproof material
- water-repellent material

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "material" в других словарях:

  • material — ma·te·ri·al 1 /mə tir ē əl/ adj 1: of, relating to, or consisting of physical matter 2: being of real importance or consequence 3: being an essential component the material terms of the contract 4: being relevant to a subject under considerati …   Law dictionary

  • material — MATERIÁL, Ă, (I) materiali, e, adj., (II) materiale, s.n. I adj. 1. Care aparţine realităţii obiective, existând independent de conştiinţă şi în afara ei; care este alcătuit din materie. ♢ Cultură materială = totalitate a bunurilor şi a… …   Dicționar Român

  • material — ma‧te‧ri‧al [məˈtɪəriəl ǁ ˈtɪr ] noun [countable usually plural] something you need to make or do something: • A shortage of building materials compounded escalating costs. ˌraw maˈterial MANUFACTURING a substance that is used to make a product:… …   Financial and business terms

  • material# — material adj 1 Material, physical, corporeal, phenomenal, sensible, objective are comparable when they mean belonging to or having a relation to things that belong to the world of actuality or of things apparent to the senses. Material applies to …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Material — Material  американский музыкальный коллектив, сформированный в 1979 году и руководимый бас гитаристом Биллом Ласвеллом[1]. Содержание 1 История 1.1 Группа (1978 1982) …   Википедия

  • material — [mə tir′ē əl] adj. [LL materialis < L materia, MATTER] 1. of matter; of substance; relating to or consisting of what occupies space; physical [a material object, material forces] 2. a) of the body or bodily needs, satisfactions, etc.;… …   English World dictionary

  • Material — Ma*te ri*al, a. [L. materialis, fr. materia stuff, matter: cf. F. mat[ e]riel. See {Matter}, and cf. {Mat[ E]riel}.] [1913 Webster] 1. Consisting of matter; not spiritual; corporeal; physical; as, material substance or bodies. [1913 Webster] The… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • material — adjetivo 1. De la materia: El collar sólo tiene un valor material. Buscamos ayuda material y solidaridad humana. 2. Que es físico, o que es del cuerpo o de los sentidos y no del espíritu: En la naturaleza humana hay aspectos que no son materiales …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • Material — est un groupe de rock et de funk formé en 1979 et piloté par le bassiste Bill Laswell. Les débuts de Material étaient centrés autour de Bill Laswell, du guitariste Robert Quine, du batteur Fred Maher, du clavieriste Michael Beinhorn et du… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • materiał — {{/stl 13}}{{stl 8}}rz. mnż I, D. u, Mc. materiałale {{/stl 8}}{{stl 20}} {{/stl 20}}{{stl 12}}1. {{/stl 12}}{{stl 7}} to, z czego zrobione są przedmioty; tworzywo, surowiec : {{/stl 7}}{{stl 10}}Materiały piśmienne, biurowe, fotograficzne.… …   Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień

  • Material — ist in der Fertigungstechnik ein Sammelbegriff für alles, was zur Produktion oder Herstellung eines bestimmten Zwischen oder Endproduktes verwendet wird und in dieses Produkt eingeht oder verbraucht wird. Das Material umfasst gegebenenfalls… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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