- mass force
- массовая [объёмная] сила
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Mass versus weight — The chains on the swing hold all the child’s weight. If one were to stand behind her at the bottom of the arc and try to stop her, one would be acting against her inertia, which arises purely from mass, not weight. In everyday usage, the mass of… … Wikipedia
Mass in special relativity — incorporates the general understandings from the concept of mass energy equivalence. Added to this concept is an additional complication resulting from the fact that mass is defined in two different ways in special relativity: one way defines… … Wikipedia
Mass spectrometry — (MS) is an analytical technique that measures the mass to charge ratio of charged particles.[1] It is used for determining masses of particles, for determining the elemental composition of a sample or molecule, and for elucidating the chemical… … Wikipedia
Mass wasting — at Palo Duro Canyon, West Texas (2002) … Wikipedia
Mass Effect (video game) — Mass Effect Developer(s) BioWare (Xbox 360) Demiurge Studios (Microsoft Windows[1] … Wikipedia
Mass Rapid Transit (Singapore) — Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) 大众快速交通 (地铁) Sistem Pengangkutan Gerak Cepat துரிதக் கடவு ரயில் Info Owner … Wikipedia
Force concentration — is the practice of concentrating a military force, so as to bring to bear such overwhelming force against a portion of an enemy force that the disparity between the two forces alone acts as a force multiplier, in favour of the concentrated forces … Wikipedia
mass — [mas] n. [ME masse < OFr < L massa, a lump, mass < Gr maza, barley cake < massein, to knead < IE base * menk , to knead > MINGLE] 1. a quantity of matter forming a body of indefinite shape and size, usually of relatively large… … English World dictionary
Mass Effect 2 — Éditeur Electronic Arts Développeur BioWare Concepteur Case … Wikipédia en Français
Force-based algorithms — Force based or force directed algorithms are a class of algorithms for drawing graphs in an aesthetically pleasing way. Their purpose is to position the nodes of a graph in two dimensional or three dimensional space so that all the edges are of… … Wikipedia
mass — ► NOUN 1) a body of matter with no definite shape. 2) a large number of people or objects gathered together. 3) (before another noun ) done by or affecting large numbers: a mass exodus. 4) (the masses) the ordinary people. 5) (the mass of) the… … English terms dictionary