major portion of labor cost

major portion of labor cost
главная доля трудозатрат [стоимости рабочей силы]

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

Игры ⚽ Поможем решить контрольную работу

Смотреть что такое "major portion of labor cost" в других словарях:

  • LABOR — Jewish Labor Organizations IN THE PRE STATE PERIOD Since the last decades of the 19th century, a number of sporadic labor associations have arisen in agriculture and in the printing, clothing, and building trades, as well as groups limited to a… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • cost — costless, adj. costlessness, n. /kawst, kost/, n., v., cost or, for 11 13, costed, costing. n. 1. the price paid to acquire, produce, accomplish, or maintain anything: the high cost of a good meal. 2. an outlay or expenditure of money, time,… …   Universalium

  • Marginal cost — A typical marginal cost curve with marginal revenue overlaid In economics and finance, marginal cost is the change in total cost that arises when the quantity produced changes by one unit. That is, it is the cost of producing one more unit of a… …   Wikipedia

  • MDA Labor Day Telethon — Also known as Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon The Jerry Lewis MDA Labor Day Telethon Presented by Jerry Lewis (1966 2010) Nigel Lythgoe (2011 present) Jann Ca …   Wikipedia

  • Communists in the United States Labor Movement (1919–1937) — The Communist Party and its allies played an important role in the United States labor movement, particularly in the 1930s and 1940s, but never succeeded, with rare exceptions, either in bringing the labor movement around to its agenda or in… …   Wikipedia

  • Cornell University School of Industrial and Labor Relations — NYS School of Industrial and Labor Relations Established 1945 Type Statutory Dean Harry C. Katz Academic staff …   Wikipedia

  • ECONOMIC AFFAIRS — THE PRE MANDATE (LATE OTTOMAN) PERIOD Geography and Borders In September 1923 a new political entity was formally recognized by the international community. Palestine, or Ereẓ Israel as Jews have continued to refer to it for 2,000 years,… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Germany — /jerr meuh nee/, n. a republic in central Europe: after World War II divided into four zones, British, French, U.S., and Soviet, and in 1949 into East Germany and West Germany; East and West Germany were reunited in 1990. 84,068,216; 137,852 sq.… …   Universalium

  • Economy of the People's Republic of China — Economies of Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macau are administered separately from the rest of People s Republic of China. Therefore, the information below pertains only to mainland China unless specified otherwise. For the… …   Wikipedia

  • cañada — /keuhn yah deuh, yad euh/, n. Chiefly Western U.S. 1. a dry riverbed. 2. a small, deep canyon. [1840 50; < Sp, equiv. to cañ(a) CANE + ada n. suffix] * * * Canada Introduction Canada Background: A land of vast distances and rich natural resources …   Universalium

  • Canada — /kan euh deuh/, n. a nation in N North America: a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. 29,123,194; 3,690,410 sq. mi. (9,558,160 sq. km). Cap.: Ottawa. * * * Canada Introduction Canada Background: A land of vast distances and rich natural… …   Universalium

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