- main squeeze
- проф. прораб, десятник, бригадир
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
main squeeze — 1. n. one’s boss; the person in charge. □ The main squeeze has a lot of responsibility. □ The main squeeze is out of town for a week. 2. n. one’s steady girlfriend or boyfriend. (Possibly related to crush.) □ My main squeeze is coming over to… … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
main squeeze — {n.}, {slang} 1. The top ranking person in an organization or in a neighborhood; an important person, such as one s boss. * /Mr. Bronchard is the main squeeze in this office./ 2. The top person in charge of an illegal operation, such as drug… … Dictionary of American idioms
main squeeze — {n.}, {slang} 1. The top ranking person in an organization or in a neighborhood; an important person, such as one s boss. * /Mr. Bronchard is the main squeeze in this office./ 2. The top person in charge of an illegal operation, such as drug… … Dictionary of American idioms
main\ squeeze — noun slang 1. the top ranking person in an organization or in a neighborhood; an important person, such as one s boss. Mr. Bronchard is the main squeeze in this office. 2. the top person in charge of an illegal operation, such as drug sales, etc … Словарь американских идиом
main squeeze — noun slang : the principal romantic partner (as a boyfriend or girl friend) * * * noun, pl ⋯ squeezes [count] chiefly US slang : someone s main girlfriend, boyfriend, or lover She s my main squeeze … Useful english dictionary
main squeeze — N. Amer. informal a person s girlfriend or boyfriend. → squeeze … English new terms dictionary
main squeeze — n American a. (one s) boyfriend or girlfriend, sweet heart b. the most important person, a boss, leader … Contemporary slang
main squeeze — person who is the center of attention (Slang) … English contemporary dictionary
be someone's main squeeze — be (someone s) main squeeze American, informal to be the person that someone has a romantic or sexual relationship with. Didn t you know? Jennifer is Bob s main squeeze … New idioms dictionary
be main squeeze — be (someone s) main squeeze American, informal to be the person that someone has a romantic or sexual relationship with. Didn t you know? Jennifer is Bob s main squeeze … New idioms dictionary
squeeze — [skwēz] vt. squeezed, squeezing [intens. of ME queisen < OE cwysan, to squeeze, dash against, bruise, akin to Goth quistjan, to destroy < IE base * gweye , to overpower > Sans jināti, (he) conquers] 1. to press hard or closely; exert… … English World dictionary