magnitude of force

magnitude of force
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Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "magnitude of force" в других словарях:

  • force — Synonyms and related words: Niagara, abuse, actuate, acuteness, administer, adventuresomeness, adventurousness, affective meaning, aggression, aggressiveness, ambitiousness, amount, amperage, amplitude, animality, animate, apply, arm, armed… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • Magnitude — Mag ni*tude, n. [L. magnitudo, from magnus great. See {Master}, and cf. {Maxim}.] 1. Extent of dimensions; size; applied to things that have length, breadth, and thickness. [1913 Webster] Conceive those particles of bodies to be so disposed… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • magnitude — Mag ni*tude, n. [L. magnitudo, from magnus great. See {Master}, and cf. {Maxim}.] 1. Extent of dimensions; size; applied to things that have length, breadth, and thickness. [1913 Webster] Conceive those particles of bodies to be so disposed… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Magnitude of a star — Magnitude Mag ni*tude, n. [L. magnitudo, from magnus great. See {Master}, and cf. {Maxim}.] 1. Extent of dimensions; size; applied to things that have length, breadth, and thickness. [1913 Webster] Conceive those particles of bodies to be so… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Force spectroscopy — is a dynamic analytical technique that allows the study of the mechanical properties of single polymer molecules or proteins, or individual chemical bonds. It is performed by pulling on the system under scrutiny with controlled forces. As a… …   Wikipedia

  • Force Centripète — Une balle accrochée par un fil tourne autour d un axe. La force centripète est exercée par le fil sur la balle pour la maintenir en rotation sur la trajectoire spécifiée. C est cette force qui donne au fil sa tension. Le terme force centripète (… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Force centripete — Force centripète Une balle accrochée par un fil tourne autour d un axe. La force centripète est exercée par le fil sur la balle pour la maintenir en rotation sur la trajectoire spécifiée. C est cette force qui donne au fil sa tension. Le terme… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Force centripède — Force centripète Une balle accrochée par un fil tourne autour d un axe. La force centripète est exercée par le fil sur la balle pour la maintenir en rotation sur la trajectoire spécifiée. C est cette force qui donne au fil sa tension. Le terme… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Force majeure — (French for superior force ) is a common clause in contracts which essentially frees both parties from liability or obligation when an extraordinary event or circumstance beyond the control of the parties, such as war, strike, riot, crime, act of …   Wikipedia

  • Force — For other uses, see Force (disambiguation). See also: Forcing (disambiguation) Forces are also described as a push or pull on an object. They can be due to phenomena such as gravity, magnetism, or anything that might cause a mass to accelerate …   Wikipedia

  • Orders of magnitude (force) — The following list shows different orders of magnitude of force. Since weight under gravity is a force, several of these examples refer to the weight of various objects. Unless otherwise stated, these are weights under average Earth gravity at… …   Wikipedia

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