- loop vent
- деаэрация канализационной трубы* * *1. вентиляционная труба, обслуживающая группу санитарных приборов2. вентиляционная часть канализационного стояка
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
vent — I. n. 1. Opening, hole, vent hole. 2. Spiracle, air tube, air pipe, blow hole. 3. (Ornith.) Anus. 4. (Arch.) Crenelle, loop hole. 5. Emission, passage, outlet, escape, effusion. 6 … New dictionary of synonyms
loop — Synonyms and related words: O, air hole, ambit, annular muscle, annulus, arc, arch, areola, armhole, association, aureole, band, bank, beat, begird, belt, belt in, bend, bend back, beset, bilge, blain, bleb, blister, blob, blowhole, boss, bow,… … Moby Thesaurus
vent — Synonyms and related words: air, air duct, air hole, air passage, air shaft, air tube, airway, announce, aperture, armhole, articulate, articulation, assert, avenue, blow, blow out, blowhole, blurt out, break, break it to, break the news,… … Moby Thesaurus
Chicago Loop (plumbing) — Chicago Loop for under cabinet waste plumbing The Chicago Loop is an alternate way of venting the trap installed on an under counter island sink or other similar applications where a conventional vertical vent stack is not feasible. Function As… … Wikipedia
Hydrothermal vent — Marine habitats White smokers emitting liquid carbon dioxide at the Champagne vent, Northwest Eifuku volcano, Marianas Trench Marine National Monument Littoral zone … Wikipedia
Time loop — A time loop or temporal loop is a common plot device in science fiction (especially in universes where time travel is commonplace) in which time runs normally for a set period (usually a day or a few hours) but then skips back like a broken… … Wikipedia
Microbial loop — The microbial loop describes a trophic pathway in the marine microbial food web where dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is returned to higher trophic levels via the incorporation into bacterial biomass, and coupled with the classic food chain formed … Wikipedia
Cartes de Clow — Les Cartes de Clow (クロウカード, Kurō Kādo?) sont des cartes magiques imaginaires créées par CLAMP et agissants comme des personnages secondaires dans Sakura chasseuse de cartes. Dans la série manga, il y a dix neuf cartes spécifiquement nommées,… … Wikipédia en Français
Cartes de clow — Les Cartes de Clow (クロウカード, Kurō Kādo?) sont des cartes magiques imaginaires crées par CLAMP et agissants comme des personnages secondaires dans sakura chasseuse de cartes. Dans la série manga, il y a dix neuf cartes spécifiquement nommées,… … Wikipédia en Français
Cold seep — Marine habitats Tube worms are among the dominant species in one of four cold seep community types in the Gulf of Mexico. Littoral zone … Wikipedia
Hydronics — is the name for the use of water as the heat transfer medium in heating and cooling systems. Some of the oldest and most common examples are steam and hot water radiators. In large scale commercial buildings such as high rise and campus… … Wikipedia