- listing
- 1) опиливание кромок2) заболонь (дерева)* * *- listing of building components
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
listing — list·ing n 1: an arrangement, agreement, or contract for the marketing of real property through one or more real estate agents usu. for a specific period – called also listing agreement; exclusive agency listing: a listing under which only one… … Law dictionary
listing — [ listiŋ ] n. m. • 1953; mot angl. « action de mettre en liste » ♦ Anglic. Listage produit par un ordinateur. ⇒ listage(recomm. offic.). Des listings. ● listing nom masculin (anglais listing) Document où figure, dans un domaine donné, la liste la … Encyclopédie Universelle
Listing — may refer to: * the mathematician Johann Benedict Listing * a computer code listing, see listing (computer) * in corporate finance, the company s shares being on the list (or board) of stocks that are officially traded on a stock exchange, see… … Wikipedia
Listing — List ing, n. 1. The act or process of one who lists (in any sense of the verb); as, the listing of a door; the listing of a stock at the Stock Exchange. [1913 Webster] 2. The selvedge of cloth; list. [1913 Webster] 3. (Carp.) The sapwood cut from … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
listing — LÍSTING s. n. (inform.) document, rezultatul unui proces de listare. (< engl. listing) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN … Dicționar Român
listing — the placing of property with an agent to be catalogued for sale, 1906, from prp. of LIST (Cf. list) (v.3); meaning an entry in a catalogue is from 1962 … Etymology dictionary
listing — lìsting m <N mn nzi> DEFINICIJA 1. inform. ispis podataka iz kompjutera na pisaču 2. ekon. formalan nastup vrijednosnih papira na burzama ili neformalnom tržištu ETIMOLOGIJA engl … Hrvatski jezični portal
listing — ► NOUN 1) a list or catalogue. 2) an entry in a list … English terms dictionary
listing — [lis′tiŋ] n. 1. the act of making a list 2. an entry in a list, as in a directory, a real estate broker s record of property for sale, etc. 3. a list … English World dictionary
listing — In the context of real estate, written agreement between a property owner and a real estate broker that gives the broker permission to find a buyer or tenant for some property. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary See: listing broker. Bloomberg… … Financial and business terms
listing — Real estate. An agreement between an owner of real property and a real estate agent, whereby the agent agrees to attempt to secure a buyer or tenant for specific property at a certain price and terms in return for a fee or commission. The various … Black's law dictionary