- lightweight aggregate
- лёгкий заполнитель (для бетона)* * *лёгкий заполнитель (насыпной плотностью менее 1000 кг/м3), заполнитель для лёгких бетонов
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
lightweight aggregate — noun : an aggregate for structural concrete, mortar, or plaster that weighs less than the usual rock aggregate … Useful english dictionary
Construction aggregate — Limestone quarry … Wikipedia
Types of concrete — There are many types of concrete, variations of installation, composition, finish and performance characteristics. A highway paved with concrete … Wikipedia
Ex-clay — Expanded clay aggregate, or exclay, is a lightweight ceramic aggregate, for short an LWA, used in construction. Exclay is produced from natural clay and the end product have the shape of round pellets. They clay have been expanded by thermal… … Wikipedia
LECA — Expanded clay pellets, most commonly known under the brand name LECA (acronym of light expanded clay aggregate ), also known as Hydroton and under the non proprietary terms fired clay pebble , grow rocks , expanded clay (pellets) or hydrocorns ,… … Wikipedia
Vermiculite — Infobox mineral name = Vermiculite category = boxwidth = boxbgcolor = caption = formula = (MgFe,Al)3(Al,Si)4O10(OH)2·4H2O color = Bronze Yellow habit = Clay, scaly, aggregate system = Monoclinic twinning = cleavage = Perfect fracture = Uneven… … Wikipedia
Perlite — is an amorphous volcanic glass that has a relatively high water content, typically formed by the hydration of obsidian. It occurs naturally and has the unusual property of greatly expanding when heated sufficiently.Properties and usesWhen it… … Wikipedia
Plaster — The term plaster can refer to plaster of Paris, lime plaster, or cement plaster. This article deals mainly with plaster of Paris.Plaster of Paris is a type of building material based on calcium sulfate hemihydrate, nominally CaSO4·0.5H2O. It is… … Wikipedia
dolomite — dolomitic /dol euh mit ik/, adj. /doh leuh muyt , dol euh /, n. 1. a very common mineral, calcium magnesium carbonate, CaMg(CO3)2, occurring in crystals and in masses. 2. a rock consisting essentially or largely of this mineral. [1785 95; < F,… … Universalium
perlite — noun Etymology: French, from perle pearl Date: 1833 volcanic glass that has a concentric shelly structure, appears as if composed of concretions, is usually grayish and sometimes spherulitic, and when expanded by heat forms a lightweight… … New Collegiate Dictionary
pumice — pumiceous /pyooh mish euhs/, adj. pumicer, n. /pum is/, n., v., pumiced, pumicing. n. 1. Also called pumice stone. a porous or spongy form of volcanic glass, used as an abrasive. v.t. 2. to rub, smooth, clean, etc., with pumice. [bef. 1000; < L… … Universalium