- lift thickness
- толщина [высота] укладываемого слоя бетона
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Lift (force) — For other uses, see Lift. Boeing 747 8F landing A fluid flowing past the surface of a body exerts a surface force on it. Lift is the component of this force that is perpendicular to the … Wikipedia
lift — liftable, adj. lifter, n. /lift/, v.t. 1. to move or bring (something) upward from the ground or other support to a higher position; hoist. 2. to raise or direct upward: He lifted his arm in a gesture of farewell; to lift one s head. 3. to remove … Universalium
lift — /lɪft / (say lift) verb (t) 1. to move or bring (something) upwards from the ground or other support to some higher position; hoist. 2. to raise or direct upwards: to lift the hand; to lift the head; to lift the eyes. 3. to hold up or display on… …
Scharnebeck twin ship lift — The Scharnebeck twin ship lift is on the Elbe Seitenkanal, which connects the Elbe (at Artlenburg) and the Mittellandkanal (near Wolfsburg).The boat lift was built in Scharnebeck to the North east of Lüneburg in 1974 and was at that time the… … Wikipedia
Trolley and lift van — The trolley was a platform body with four relatively small wheels mounted underneath it, the front two on a turntable undercarriage. It was drawn by a pair of horses and the driver s seat was mounted on the headboard. The lift van was a sturdy… … Wikipedia
TexSys — [http://pavements.ce.utexas.edu/TexSys/ TexSys] is a web based application serving as a Texas Expert System for the selection of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA). TexSys is the product of a Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) study, TxDOT Project 0… … Wikipedia
NACA airfoil — Profile geometry – 1: Zero lift line; 2: Leading edge; 3: Nose circle; 4: Camber; 5: Max. thickness; 6: Upper surface; 7: Trailing edge; 8: Camber mean line; 9: Lower surface … Wikipedia
fluid mechanics — an applied science dealing with the basic principles of gaseous and liquid matter. Cf. fluid dynamics. [1940 45] * * * Study of the effects of forces and energy on liquids and gases. One branch of the field, hydrostatics, deals with fluids at… … Universalium
steel — steellike, adj. /steel/, n. 1. any of various modified forms of iron, artificially produced, having a carbon content less than that of pig iron and more than that of wrought iron, and having qualities of hardness, elasticity, and strength varying … Universalium
Mastopexy — Intervention Breast lift: the pre operative aspects of mild breast ptosis (left), and the post operative aspects of the correction, the lifted bust (right) … Wikipedia
Propeller — A propeller is essentially a type of fan which transmits power by converting rotational motion into thrust for propulsion of a vehicle such as an aircraft, ship, or submarine through a mass such as water or air, by rotating two or more twisted… … Wikipedia