- lengthman
- обходчик, дорожный мастер
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Lengthman — is a term used mainly in English National Parks and originally used in the Peak District National Park. It refers to a person who keeps a length of road neat and tidy. This person was responsible for a few miles (3 6) of road. Employed by the… … Wikipedia
lengthman — noun A man responsible for the care and maintenance of a length of road or railway … Wiktionary
lengthman — noun (plural lengthmen) archaic a person employed to maintain a section of road or railway … English new terms dictionary
lengthman — n. (pl. men) Brit. a person employed to maintain a section of railway or road. * * * lengthˈman or lengthˈsman noun Someone responsible for the upkeep of a particular stretch of road or railway • • • Main Entry: ↑length … Useful english dictionary
Troll (Discworld) — Trolls in Terry Pratchett s Discworld novels, unlike the monstrous trolls of folklore and J. R. R. Tolkien, have been subverted into a moderately civilised race. Trolls on the Discworld are, essentially, living, mobile rocks. Trolls have grown to … Wikipedia
Chalford — Coordinates: 51°43′26″N 2°08′57″W / 51.72383°N 2.14907°W / 51.72383; 2.14907 … Wikipedia