Смотреть что такое "leeward" в других словарях:
Leeward — Lee ward (l[=e] w[ e]rd or l[=u] [ e]rd), a. (Naut.) Pertaining to, or in the direction of, the part or side toward which the wind blows; opposed to {windward}; as, a leeward berth; a leeward ship. n. The lee side; the lee. adv. Toward the lee.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
leeward — ► ADJECTIVE & ADVERB ▪ on or towards the side sheltered from the wind or towards which the wind is blowing. Contrasted with WINDWARD(Cf. ↑windward). ► NOUN ▪ the leeward side … English terms dictionary
Leeward — Leeward, Islas … Enciclopedia Universal
Leeward — er en øgruppe i de Små Antiller, Vestindien … Danske encyklopædi
leeward — 1660s, situated away from the wind, on the opposite of the weather side of the ship; from LEE (Cf. lee) + WARD (Cf. ward) … Etymology dictionary
leeward — [lē′wərd′; ] naut. [ lo͞o′ərd] adj. 1. in the direction toward which the wind blows 2. on the lee side n. the side or direction away from the wind adv. toward the lee; away from the wind: Opposed to WINDWARD … English World dictionary
leeward — lee|ward [ˈli:wəd, ˈlu:əd US ərd] adj, adv 1.) the leeward side of something is the side that is sheltered from the wind ≠ ↑windward ▪ We camped on the leeward side of the mountain. 2.) technical a leeward direction is the same direction as the… … Dictionary of contemporary English
leeward — adjective technical 1 the leeward side of something is the side that is sheltered from the wind 2 a leeward direction is the same direction as the wind is blowing: to leeward: The ship cruised slowly to leeward. leeward adverb opposite windward 1 … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
leeward — Naut. adj., adv., & n. adj. & adv. on or towards the side sheltered from the wind (opp. WINDWARD). n. the leeward region, side, or direction (to leeward; on the leeward of) … Useful english dictionary
leeward — UK [ˈliːwə(r)d] / UK [ˈluːə(r)d] / US [ˈlɪwərd] / US [ˈluərd] adjective on the side of something that has shelter from the wind the leeward side of the island Derived word: leeward UK / US adverb … English dictionary
leeward — adj. Leeward is used with these nouns: ↑side … Collocations dictionary