- law of similarity
- закон подобия* * *закон подобия
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
law of similarity — noun a Gestalt principle of organization holding that (other things being equal) parts of a stimulus field that are similar to each other tend to be perceived as belonging together as a unit • Syn: ↑similarity • Hypernyms: ↑Gestalt law of… … Useful english dictionary
similarity — index analogy, conformity (agreement), identity (similarity), par (equality), parity, relation ( … Law dictionary
similarity — noun 1. the quality of being similar (Freq. 9) • Ant: ↑dissimilarity • Derivationally related forms: ↑similar • Hypernyms: ↑sameness • Hyponyms: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Law & Order — Title card Format Police procedural Legal drama … Wikipedia
LAW OF RETURN — LAW OF RETURN, law passed by the Israel parliament (Knesset) on July 3, 1950, the anniversary of the death of theodor herzl . The Law of Return is one of the earliest and most significant of the basic laws of the State of Israel. Declaring that… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Law enforcement in Turkey — is carried out by several departments and agencies, all acting under the command of the Prime Minister of Turkey or mostly the Minister of the Interior. Turkish Police (Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü)Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü, is the official name of the… … Wikipedia
law of octaves — noun see under ↑octave • • • Main Entry: ↑law law of octaves The relationship which arranges the elements in order of atomic weight and in groups of eight, with recurring similarity of properties • • • Main Entry: ↑octave … Useful english dictionary
similarity law — panašumo dėsnis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. similarity law; similarity principle; similitude law vok. Ähnlichkeitsgesetz, n; Ähnlichkeitssatz, m; Similaritätsprinzip, n rus. закон подобия, m; принцип подобия, m pranc. loi… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
similarity principle — panašumo dėsnis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. similarity law; similarity principle; similitude law vok. Ähnlichkeitsgesetz, n; Ähnlichkeitssatz, m; Similaritätsprinzip, n rus. закон подобия, m; принцип подобия, m pranc. loi… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Law, Crime, and Law Enforcement — ▪ 2006 Introduction Trials of former heads of state, U.S. Supreme Court rulings on eminent domain and the death penalty, and high profile cases against former executives of large corporations were leading legal and criminal issues in 2005.… … Universalium
Law of obligations — The law of obligations is one of the component private law elements of the civil system of law. It includes contract law, delict law, quasi contract law, and quasi delict law. The law of obligations seeks to organize and regulate the voluntary… … Wikipedia