- lateral shear
- боковой сдвиг* * *боковой [поперечный] сдвиг
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
shear — shearer, n. shearless, adj. /shear/, v., sheared, sheared or shorn, shearing, n. v.t. 1. to cut (something). 2. to remove by or as if by cutting or clipping with a sharp instrument: to shear wool from sheep … Universalium
Shear (geology) — Study of geological shear is related to the study of structural geology, rock microstructure or rock texture and fault mechanics. Shear is the response of a rock to deformation usually by compressive stress and forms particular textures. Shear… … Wikipedia
Shear wall — In structural engineering, a shear wall is a wall composed of braced panels (also known as shear panels) to counter the effects of lateral loads acting on a structure. Wind and earthquake loads are the most common loads braced wall lines are… … Wikipedia
shear wall — In building construction, a rigid vertical diaphragm capable of transferring lateral forces from exterior walls, floors, and roofs to the ground foundation in a direction parallel to their planes. Examples are the reinforced concrete wall or… … Universalium
shear — [c]/ʃɪə / (say shear) verb (sheared or shore, shorn or sheared, shearing) –verb (t) 1. to remove by or as by cutting with a sharp instrument: to shear wool from sheep. 2. to cut the hair, fleece, wool, etc., from. 3. to reap with a sickle. 4 …
shear strain — /ˈʃɪə streɪn/ (say shear strayn) noun the lateral deformation produced in a body by a shearing force, usually expressed as the ratio of the lateral displacement between two points lying in parallel planes to the vertical distance between them …
Steel plate shear wall — A steel plate shear wall (SPSW) consists of steel infill plates bounded by a column beam system. Overview When these infill plates occupy each level within a framed bay of a structure, they constitute an SPSW [Kharrazi, M.H.K., 2005, “Rational… … Wikipedia
Expansion joint — For the railway specific expansion joints, see Breather switch. Expansion joint on a bridge An expansion joint or movement joint is an assembly designed to safely absorb the heat induced expansion and contraction of various construction materials … Wikipedia
Scaffolding — is a temporary framework used to support people and material in the construction or repair of buildings and other large structures. It is usually a modular system of metal pipes (termed tubes in Britain), although it can be made out of other… … Wikipedia
shearwall — noun An element of a wall that resists lateral shear on a building … Wiktionary
Soil mechanics — is a discipline that applies principles of engineering mechanics, e.g. kinematics, dynamics, fluid mechanics, and mechanics of material, to predict the mechanical behavior of soils. Together with Rock mechanics, it is the basis for solving many… … Wikipedia