- apophyge
- апофига, выкружка у низа или верха ствола колонны
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Apophyge — A*poph y*ge, n. [Gr. apofygh escape, in arch. the curve with which the shaft escapes into its base or capital, fr. apofey gein to flee away; apo from + fey gein to flee: cf. F. apophyge.] (Arch.) The small hollow curvature given to the top or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
apophyge — [ə päf′ə jē΄] n. [Gr apophygē < apopheugein, to flee away < apo , from + pheugein, to flee < IE base * bheug > FUGITIVE] Archit. the concave curve where the end of a column spreads into its base or capital … English World dictionary
apophyge — ⇒APOPHYGE, subst. fém. A. ARCHIT. Endroit où le fût d une colonne se dégage de sa base; p. ext. profil concave que prend l extrémité inférieure ou supérieure d un fût de colonne à l endroit où il se relie à la base ou au chapiteau (cf. J. ADELINE … Encyclopédie Universelle
Apophyge — An apophyge (Greek αποφυγη, a flying off), in architecture, is the lowest part of the shaft of an Ionic or Corinthian column, or the highest member of its base if the column be considered as a whole. The apophyge is the inverted cavetto or… … Wikipedia
Apophyge — Der bautechnische Begriff Ablauf bezeichnet die kurvige konkave Verbindung zu einem vorspringenden oberen Bauteil. Diese Profilierung wird auch Apophyge (griechisch das Fliehen, Fehlen) Apophysis oder Apothesis genannt. Die entsprechende… … Deutsch Wikipedia
apophyge — /euh pof i jee /, n. Archit. 1. a small, concave, outward curve joining the shaft of a column, esp. a classical column, to its base. 2. Also called hypophyge. a similar curve joining the shaft of a column to its capital. Also, apophysis. [1555… … Universalium
apophyge — əˈpäfə(ˌ)jē noun ( s) Etymology: Greek apophygē, literally, escape, from apo + phygē flight, from pheugein to flee more at bow (to bend) : the small hollow curvature given to the top (as in a Doric column) or bottom (as in an Ionic or Corinthian… … Useful english dictionary
apophyge — noun A curvature found on the top or bottom of certain columns … Wiktionary
apophyge — (a po fi j ) s. f. Terme d architecture. Endroit où la colonne, sortant de sa base, commence à s élever. ÉTYMOLOGIE Terme grec signifiant sortie, issue, du verbe s enfuir, de fuir (comp. FUIR) … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
Apophyge — Apo|phy|ge die; , n <zu ↑apo... u. gr. phyge̅ »Flucht«> die bogenförmige Überleitung vom überstehenden Gesims zum Säulenschaft (Archit.) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
apophyge — apoph·y·ge … English syllables