Lévy facing

Lévy facing
противофильтрационная маска Леви

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

Игры ⚽ Поможем написать курсовую

Смотреть что такое "Lévy facing" в других словарях:

  • Theodore Abu-Qurrah — Theodore Abū Qurrah was a 9th century Christian Arab theologian who lived in the early Islamic period. He was born around 750 A.D. in the city of Edessa, in northern Mesopotamia, and was for the Chalcedonian or Melkite bishop of the nearby city… …   Wikipedia

  • Great Mural Rock Art, Baja California — Great Mural Rock Art consists of prehistoric paintings of humans and animals, often larger than life size, on the walls and ceilings of natural rock shelters in the mountains of northern Baja California Sur and southern Baja California,… …   Wikipedia

  • Tunguska event — The Tunguska Event, or Tunguska explosion, was a powerful explosion that occurred near the Podkamennaya (Lower Stony) Tunguska River in what is now Krasnoyarsk Krai of Russia, at around 7:14 a.m. [P. Farinella, L. Foschini, Ch. Froeschl eacute;,… …   Wikipedia

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