knee wall

knee wall
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Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "knee wall" в других словарях:

  • Knee wall — In architecture, a knee wall is typically a short wall, usually under three feet in height. The term is derived from the association with the vertical location of the human knee. Also commonly known as a half wall, or partial wall …   Wikipedia

  • knee wall — noun : a partition for supporting roof rafters when the span is great or for forming a side wall (as of a second story room) under a pitched roof …   Useful english dictionary

  • knee-trembler — noun a casual outdoor sexual encounter (commonly with a prostitute), usually in an alleyway or against a wall, with the man standing and the womans knees raised …   Wiktionary

  • Wounded Knee Massacre — Part of the Ghost Dance War, Sioux Wars Mass grave for the dead Lakota after the massacre at W …   Wikipedia

  • Massacre De Wounded Knee — Fosse commune avec des Lakotas morts après le massacre de Wounded Knee. Le massacre de Wounded Knee a eu lieu aux États Unis d Amérique (Dakota du Sud) le 29 décembre 1890. Environ 200 amérindiens de la tribu Lakota …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Massacre de Wounded Knee — Fosse commune avec des Lakota morts après le massacre de Wounded Knee. Le massacre de Wounded Knee est une opération militaire qui s est déroulée aux États Unis d Amérique, dans le Dakota du Sud, le 29 décembre 1890. Entre 300 et 350… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Massacre de wounded knee — Fosse commune avec des Lakotas morts après le massacre de Wounded Knee. Le massacre de Wounded Knee a eu lieu aux États Unis d Amérique (Dakota du Sud) le 29 décembre 1890. Environ 200 amérindiens de la tribu Lakota …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Music for "The Knee Plays" — Soundtrack album by David Byrne Released May 1985 (See …   Wikipedia

  • Nora Wall — (formerly Sister Dominic of the Sisters of Mercy) (born 1948) is a former Irish nun of the Sisters of Mercy who was wrongfully convicted of rape in June 1999, and served four days of a life sentence in July 1999, before her conviction was quashed …   Wikipedia

  • Brain Wall — nihongo|Brain Wall|脳カベ|Nōkabe is a component of the Japanese gameshow Tonneruzu no Minasan no Okage deshita (とんねるずのみなさんのおかげでした, lit. Tunnels Thanks to Everyone ). The show originated in Japan on the Fuji TV network and was first broadcast on 27… …   Wikipedia

  • Hole in the Wall (US game show) — Infobox Television show name = Hole in the Wall caption = show name 2 = genre = Game show creator = writer = director = Ron de Moraes creative director = developer = presenter = starring = Brooke Burns, Mark Thompson voices = narrated = theme… …   Wikipedia

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