- isoseismal line
- линия равных интенсивностей землетрясений [сейсмических воздействий], изосейсмическая линия, изосейс
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
isoseismal — [ī΄sō sīz′məl, ī΄sōsīs′məl] adj. 〚/span> ISO + Gr seismos, earthquake (see SEISMIC) + AL〛 1. of equal intensity of earthquake shock 2. conn … Universalium
isoseismal — [ī΄sō sīz′məl, ī΄sōsīs′məl] adj. [< ISO + Gr seismos, earthquake (see SEISMIC) + AL] 1. of equal intensity of earthquake shock 2. connecting or showing points of such equal intensity on the earth s surface [isoseismal lines on a map] n. an… … English World dictionary
isoseismal — noun A line on a map joining points of equal seismic intensity produced by an earthquake. Also know as an isoseismal line … Wiktionary
isoseismal — line connecting points of same earthquake intensity Contour Lines … Phrontistery dictionary
isoseismal — [ˌʌɪsə(ʊ) sʌɪzm(ə)l] adjective Geology denoting a line on a map connecting places where an earthquake was experienced with equal strength. Derivatives isoseismic adjective … English new terms dictionary
isoseismal — a.,n. (line on map passing through places) of same intensity of earthquake shock. ♦ isoseismic(al), a … Dictionary of difficult words
isoseismal — adj. & n. (also isoseismic) adj. having equal strength of earthquake shock. n. a line on a map connecting places having an equal strength of earthquake shock … Useful english dictionary
i|so|seis|mal — «Y suh SYZ muhl, SYS », adjective, noun. –adj. 1. having to do with equal intensity of earthquake shock. 2. of or having to do with an imaginary line on the earth s surface connecting points characterized by such intensity. –n. an isoseismal line … Useful english dictionary
воображаемая линия равных магнитуд землетрясения — — [А.С.Гольдберг. Англо русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.] Тематики энергетика в целом EN isoseismal line … Справочник технического переводчика
изосейма — — [http://slovarionline.ru/anglo russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN isoseismal line … Справочник технического переводчика
isoseismic — “+ adjective Etymology: is + seismic : isoseismal * * * /uy seuh suyz mik, suys /, adj. Geol. 1. noting or pertaining to equal intensity of earthquake shock. 2. noting or pertaining to an imaginary line on the earth s surface connecting points… … Useful english dictionary