- influent stream
- вливающийся поток
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
influent stream — losing stream (a stream or a part of a stream that loses water to the groundwater) … Dictionary of ichthyology
influent stream — See losing stream … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
influent — [ ɪnflʊənt] adjective flowing in. noun a stream flowing into another stream or lake. Origin ME: from L. influent , influere flow in … English new terms dictionary
influent — 1. noun a) A stream which flows into another stream or lake. b) An organism having an important effect on a plant or animal community. 2. adjective a) Flowing in … Wiktionary
influent — I. adjective Date: 15th century flowing in II. noun Date: 1859 1. something that flows in: as a. a tributary stream b. fluid input into a reservoir or process 2. a factor (as a particular animal) modifying the balance and stability of an… … New Collegiate Dictionary
influent — 1) flowing above the water table and losing water to it 2) said of a lake having a single inflowing stream 3) water that flows into sink holes, cavities and porous material and disappears into the ground … Dictionary of ichthyology
influent — adj. inward; ingoing; flowing inward; inflowing n. tributary, small stream flowing into a larger body of water; fluid going into a component; wastewater or other fluids flowing into a reservoir or sewage treatment plant (US Environmental… … English contemporary dictionary
influent — adj. & n. adj. flowing in. n. a tributary stream. Etymology: ME f. L (as INFLUENCE) … Useful english dictionary
losing stream — A stream or reach of a stream in which water flows from the stream bed into the ground [22]. In karst terranes, losing streams may slowly sink into fractures or completely disappear down a ponor. Synonym: influent stream. See also ponor; … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
losing stream — a stream or a part of a stream that loses water to the groundwater. Also called influent stream … Dictionary of ichthyology
inflow cave, influent cave — Cave into which a stream flows or formerly entered [10] … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology