- annular
- кольцеобразный; кольцевой* * *кольцевой, кольцеобразный
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Annular — An nu*lar, a. [L. annularis, fr. annulis ring: cf. F. annulaire.] 1. Pertaining to, or having the form of, a ring; forming a ring; ringed; ring shaped; as, annular fibers. [1913 Webster] 2. Banded or marked with circles. [1913 Webster] {Annular… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
annular — (adj.) ring shaped, 1570s, from Fr. annulaire (16c.) or directly from L. annularis pertaining to a ring, from annulus, dim. of anus ring (see ANUS (Cf. anus)). An annular eclipse (1727) is one in which the dark body of the moon is smaller than… … Etymology dictionary
Annŭlar — (v. lat.), ringförmig … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
annular — ► ADJECTIVE technical ▪ ring shaped. ORIGIN Latin annularis, from anulus small ring … English terms dictionary
annular — [an′yo͞o lər, an′yələr] adj. [L anularis < anulus, a ring < anus: see ANUS] of, like, or forming a ring SYN. ROUND1 annularity [an′yo͞oler′ə tē, an′yəler′ə tē] n. annularly adv … English World dictionary
annular — adjective /ˈænjələ,ˈænjʊlə,ˈænjəlɚ/ a) Pertaining to, or having the form of, a ring; forming a ring; ringed; ring shaped; as, annular fibers; in the shape of an annulus. The capsule in both families is spherical, with a bistratose wall; the outer … Wiktionary
annular — a. pertaining to, forming or having shape of a ring. annular eclipse, eclipse of sun in which a ring of its surface surrounds the moon. annulate, a. marked with rings; having rings of colour; annular. annulation, n. annulary, n. ring finger … Dictionary of difficult words
annular — adjective Etymology: Middle French or Medieval Latin; Middle French annulaire, from Medieval Latin anularis, from Latin anulus Date: 1571 of, relating to, or forming a ring < an annular skin lesion > … New Collegiate Dictionary
annular — SYN: anular. [L. anulus, ring] * * * an·nu·lar an yə lər adj of, relating to, or forming a ring <the annular diaphragm of a microscope> * * * an·nu·lar (anґu lər) [L. annularis] shaped like a ring. See also circular … Medical dictionary
annular — adj. ring shaped; forming a ring. Phrases and idioms: annular eclipse an eclipse of the sun in which the moon leaves a ring of sunlight visible round it. Derivatives: annularly adv. Etymology: F annulaire or L annularis f. an(n)ulus ring … Useful english dictionary
Annular velocity — [http://www.glossary.oilfield.slb.com/Display.cfm?Term=annular%20velocity] is the speed of a fluid s movement in a column called an annulus. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Annulus (mathematics)] It is normally measured in feet per minute (fpm).… … Wikipedia