- impounding dam
- водоудерживающая плотина; водоудерживающая запруда
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
impounding dam — užtvanka statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Hidrotechninis įrenginys, pertveriantis upę, kanalą arba sąsiaurį ir sudarantis patvanką. Vandens lygis vienoje užtvankos pusėje būna aukštesnis (aukštutinis bjefas), kitoje –… … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
dam — užtvanka statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Hidrotechninis įrenginys, pertveriantis upę, kanalą arba sąsiaurį ir sudarantis patvanką. Vandens lygis vienoje užtvankos pusėje būna aukštesnis (aukštutinis bjefas), kitoje –… … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
dam — I. noun Etymology: Middle English dam, dame lady, dam more at dame Date: 13th century the female parent of an animal and especially of a domestic animal II. noun Etymology: Middle English, probably from Middle Dutch; akin to Old English fordemman … New Collegiate Dictionary
impounding — im·pound || ɪm paÊŠnd v. shut up, enclose, confine; seize, confiscate; dam up water, confine water in a reservoir … English contemporary dictionary
Sannār Dam — ▪ dam, The Sudan also spelled Sennar Dam, dam impounding the Blue Nile River for irrigation at the town of Sannār in The Sudan. Completed in 1925, it is 9,925 feet (3,025 m) long with a maximum height of 130 feet (40 m) and irrigates… … Universalium
Splash dam — A splash dam was a temporary wooden dam used to raise the water level in streams to float logs downstream to sawmills. By impounding water and allowing it to be released on the log drive s schedule, these dams allowed many more logs to be brought … Wikipedia
Merowe Dam — Merowe Dam … Wikipedia
Mangla Dam — Mangla reservoir … Wikipedia
Douglas Dam — from downstream Official name Douglas Dam Location Sevier County, Tennessee, USA Coordinates … Wikipedia
Culmback Dam — Location Snohomish County, Washington Coordinates 47°58′31″N 121°41′11″W … Wikipedia
Mangrove Creek Dam — is the primary reservoir for water supply to residents of the New South Wales Central Coast, operated by the Gosford/Wyong Councils Water Authority, a joint operation of the City of Gosford and Wyong Shire. It is formed by impounding the… … Wikipedia