
1.   представление, зрительный образ
2.   скульптурные изображения, скульптура
- visual imagery

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "imagery" в других словарях:

  • Imagery — Im age*ry ([i^]m [asl]j*r[y^]; 277), n. [OE. imagerie, F. imagerie.] 1. The work of one who makes images or visible representation of objects; imitation work; images in general, or in mass. Painted imagery. Shak. [1913 Webster] In those oratories …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • imagery — UK US /ˈɪmɪdʒəri/ noun [U] ► pictures or words that are used to represent something, for example a situation: »Satellite imagery and computer models are being used to track weather patterns and predict storms …   Financial and business terms

  • imagery — (n.) mid 14c., piece of sculpture, carved figures, from O.Fr. imagerie (13c.), from imagier painter, from image (see IMAGE (Cf. image) (n.)). Meaning ornate description (in poetry, etc.) is from 1580s …   Etymology dictionary

  • imagery — ► NOUN 1) figurative language, especially in a literary work. 2) visual symbolism. 3) visual images collectively …   English terms dictionary

  • imagery — [im′ij rē, im′ijər ē] n. pl. imageries [ME imagerie < OFr] 1. Now Rare images generally; esp., statues 2. mental images, as produced by memory or imagination 3. descriptions and figures of speech …   English World dictionary

  • Imagery — Vagina = Imagery is used in literature to refer to descriptive language that evokes sensory experience. Other uses The term imagery is also used in psycholdickogy and everyday discourse to refer to mental images, i.e., the making (or re creation) …   Wikipedia

  • imagery — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ evocative, graphic, powerful, stark, violent, vivid ▪ the vivid visual imagery of dreams ▪ negative …   Collocations dictionary

  • imagery —    Also known as visual imagery. The term imagery comes from the Latin verb imaginari,which means to copy, to imitate, to picture. It tends to be used in a rather loose sense to denote a recollection or fantasy presenting itself as a picture in… …   Dictionary of Hallucinations

  • Imagery — Both a mental process (as in imagining) and a wide variety of procedures used in therapy to encourage changes in attitudes, behavior, or physiological reactions. As a mental process, it is often defined as any thought representing a sensory… …   Medical dictionary

  • imagery — [[t]ɪ̱mɪʤri[/t]] 1) N UNCOUNT You can refer to the descriptions in something such as a poem or song, and the pictures they create in your mind, as its imagery. [FORMAL] ...the nature imagery of the ballad. 2) N UNCOUNT You can refer to pictures… …   English dictionary

  • imagery — n. the production of vivid mental representations by the normal processes of thought. Hypnagogic imagery occurs just before falling asleep, and the images are often very distinct. Hypnopompic imagery occurs in the state between sleep and full… …   The new mediacal dictionary

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