- hummock
- 1) возвышенность, холмик2) дюна3) торос* * *1. бугор; холмик2. торос3. дюна- earth hummock
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
hummock — s.n. Blocuri de gheaţă provenind din spargerea banchizelor. [< engl., fr. hummock]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 21.04.2005. Sursa: DN HUMMÓCK s. n. monticul format din blocuri de gheaţă provenind din spargerea banchizelor. (< engl., fr.… … Dicționar Român
Hummock — Hum mock, n. [Prob. a dim. of hump. See {Hump}.] 1. A rounded knoll or hillock; a rise of ground of no great extent, above a level surface. [1913 Webster] 2. A ridge or pile of ice on an ice field. [1913 Webster] 3. Timbered land. See {Hammock}.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
hummock — [ymɔk] n. m. ÉTYM. 1851; mot angl., d orig. obscure; probablt dimin; cf. hillock, de hill. ❖ ♦ Géogr. Monticule formé par des plaques de glace qui se rencontrent sur la banquise et chevauchent les unes sur les autres. 1 (…) cet icefield océanique … Encyclopédie Universelle
hummock — knoll, hillock, 1550s, originally nautical, conical small hill on a seacoast, of obscure origin, though second element is dim. suffix ock. In Florida, where the local form is hammock, it means a clump of hardwood trees on a knoll in a swamp or on … Etymology dictionary
hummock — ► NOUN ▪ a hillock or mound. DERIVATIVES hummocky adjective. ORIGIN of unknown origin … English terms dictionary
hummock — [hum′ək] n. [orig. naut. < ?] 1. a low, rounded hill; knoll; hillock 2. a ridge or rise in an ice field ☆ 3. a tract of fertile, heavily wooded land, higher than a surrounding marshy area ☆ hummocky adj … English World dictionary
Hummock — A hummock (of uncertain derivation; cf. hump or hillock) is a boss or rounded knoll of ice rising above the general level of an ice field, making sledge travelling in the Arctic and Antarctic region extremely difficult and unpleasant.Hummocky ice … Wikipedia
Hummock — Vue de hummocks de pergélisol sur le mont Kenya … Wikipédia en Français
hummock — 1) [ geomorphology ] a) (not preferred see hillock). An imprecise, general term for a rounded or conical mound or other small elevation. b) (not preferred) A slight rise of ground above a level surface. GG 2) [ patterned ground ]… … Glossary of landform and geologic terms
hummock — UK [ˈhʌmək] / US noun [countable] Word forms hummock : singular hummock plural hummocks mainly literary a small area of ground that is slightly higher than the ground around it … English dictionary
hummock — noun Etymology: alteration of 2hammock Date: 1555 1. a rounded knoll or hillock 2. a ridge of ice 3. hammock II,2 • hummock verb • hummocky adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary