- hook rule
- линейка [метр] с опорным крючком
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Hook turn — A hook turn is a traffic control mechanism where cars that would normally have to turn across oncoming traffic are made to turn across all lanes of traffic instead. Hook turns are relatively rare, but can be used to improve the flow of through… … Wikipedia
Hook and Cod wars — The Hook and Cod wars ( nl. Hoekse en Kabeljauwse twisten) comprise a series of wars and battles in Holland between 1350 and 1490. Most of these wars were fought over the title of count of Holland, but some have argued that the underlying reason… … Wikipedia
Ja Rule — con Jaid Barrymore. Datos generales Nombre real Jeffrey Atkins … Wikipedia Español
Off the Hook (compilation album) — Now Presents: Off the Hook Compilation album by Various artists Released May 21, 2002 … Wikipedia
Off the Hook² — Infobox Album Name = Off The Hook² Type = Album Artist = Various Artists Background = darkseagreen Released = 2003 Recorded = Various Times Genre = Pop Length = ? Label = Universal Music Reviews = Last album = Off The Hook This album = Off The… … Wikipedia
Chain rule — Chain Chain (ch[=a]n), n. [F. cha[^i]ne, fr. L. catena. Cf. {Catenate}.] 1. A series of links or rings, usually of metal, connected, or fitted into one another, used for various purposes, as of support, of restraint, of ornament, of the exertion… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Side hook — Side Side, a. 1. Of or pertaining to a side, or the sides; being on the side, or toward the side; lateral. [1913 Webster] One mighty squadron with a side wind sped. Dryden. [1913 Webster] 2. Hence, indirect; oblique; collateral; incidental; as, a … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Chain hook — Chain Chain (ch[=a]n), n. [F. cha[^i]ne, fr. L. catena. Cf. {Catenate}.] 1. A series of links or rings, usually of metal, connected, or fitted into one another, used for various purposes, as of support, of restraint, of ornament, of the exertion… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Joint rule — Joint Joint (joint), a. [F., p. p. of joindre. See {Join}.] [1913 Webster] 1. Joined; united; combined; concerted; as, joint action. [1913 Webster] 2. Involving the united activity of two or more; done or produced by two or more working together … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Side-bar rule — Side Side, a. 1. Of or pertaining to a side, or the sides; being on the side, or toward the side; lateral. [1913 Webster] One mighty squadron with a side wind sped. Dryden. [1913 Webster] 2. Hence, indirect; oblique; collateral; incidental; as, a … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Field hockey stick — In Field hockey, each player carries a stick and cannot take part in the game without it. The stick is usually between 36 and 38 long (but this is not defined or restricted)and traditionally made of wood but now almost all the more expensive… … Wikipedia