- hollow tile
- пустотелый кирпич; пустотелая плитка; желобчатая черепица* * *пустотелый [дырчатый, щелевой] стеновой керамический блок
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
hollow tile — tile (def. 5). [1910 15] * * * … Universalium
hollow tile — tile (def. 5). [1910 15] … Useful english dictionary
tile — tilelike, adj. /tuyl/, n., v., tiled, tiling. n. 1. a thin slab or bent piece of baked clay, sometimes painted or glazed, used for various purposes, as to form one of the units of a roof covering, floor, or revetment. 2. any of various similar… … Universalium
tile — [tīl] n. [ME < OE tigele, akin to Ger ziegel, both < WGmc * tegala < L tegula, tile < tegere, to cover: see THATCH] 1. a) a thin, usually rectangular piece of stone, concrete, or unglazed, fired clay, used for roofing, flooring, etc.… … English World dictionary
tile — I. noun Usage: often attributive Etymology: Middle English, from Old English tigele, from Latin tegula tile; akin to Latin tegere to cover more at thatch Date: before 12th century 1. plural tiles or tile a. a flat or curved piece of fired clay,… … New Collegiate Dictionary
tile — [[t]taɪl[/t]] n. v. tiled, til•ing 1) bui a thin slab or bent piece of baked clay, sometimes painted or glazed, used for various purposes, as in forming a roof covering, floor, or revetment 2) bui any of various similar slabs or pieces, as of… … From formal English to slang
tile — /taɪl / (say tuyl) noun 1. a thin slab or shaped piece of baked clay, sometimes glazed and ornamented, used for covering roofs, lining walls, paving floors, draining land, in ornamental work, etc. 2. any of various similar slabs or pieces, as of… …
draining tile — Draintile Drain tile , n. A hollow tile used in making drains; called also {draining tile}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
brick and tile — ▪ building material Introduction structural clay products, manufactured as standard units, used in building construction. The brick, first produced in a sun dried form at least 6,000 years ago and the forerunner of a wide range of… … Universalium
Smoky Hollow (neighborhood) — Smoky Hollow (also known as The Hollow) is a neighborhood in Youngstown, Ohio. Located northeast of Youngstown s downtown, Smoky Hollow is now part of the campus of Youngstown State University. The district has long been in a state of decline,… … Wikipedia
Ingersoll Tile Elevator — Infobox nrhp | name =Ingersoll Tile Elevator nrhp type = caption = location= Ingersoll, Oklahoma lat degrees = 36 | lat minutes = 47 | lat seconds = 49.37 | lat direction = N long degrees = 98 | long minutes = 23 | long seconds = 20.41 | long… … Wikipedia