- holding capacity
- вместимость* * *вместимость
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
moisture-holding capacity — drėgmės imlumas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Didžiausias drėgmės kiekis, kurį iš oro gali sugerti medžiaga. atitikmenys: angl. moisture capacity; moisture holding capacity; water absorption capacity rus. влагоемкость … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
water-holding capacity — vandens įmirkis statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Didžiausias vandens kiekis, įsigeriantis į vandenyje įmerktos medžiagos vienetinę masę ar tūrį. atitikmenys: angl. retentive power; water containing capacity; water holding… … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Capacity — Ca*pac i*ty (k[.a]*p[a^]s [i^]*t[y^]), n.; pl. {Capacities} ( t[i^]z). [L. capacitus, fr. capax, capacis; fr. F. capacit[ e]. See {Capacious}.] 1. The power of receiving or containing; extent of room or space; passive power; used in reference to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Capacity for heat — Capacity Ca*pac i*ty (k[.a]*p[a^]s [i^]*t[y^]), n.; pl. {Capacities} ( t[i^]z). [L. capacitus, fr. capax, capacis; fr. F. capacit[ e]. See {Capacious}.] 1. The power of receiving or containing; extent of room or space; passive power; used in… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
capacity — [kə pas′i tē] n. pl. capacities [ME & OFr capacite < L capacitas < capax: see CAPACIOUS] 1. the ability to contain, absorb, or receive and hold 2. a) the amount of space that can be filled; room for holding; content or volume [a tank with a … English World dictionary
capacity — ca·pac·i·ty n pl ties 1: a qualification, power, or ability (as to give consent or make a testament) created by operation of law 2: an individual s ability or aptitude; esp: mental ability as it relates to responsibility for the commission of a… … Law dictionary
capacity — [n1] volume; limit of volume held accommodation, amplitude, bulk, burden, compass, contents, dimensions, expanse, extent, full, holding ability, holding power, latitude, magnitude, mass, measure, proportions, quantity, range, reach, retention,… … New thesaurus
capacity — Holding space, as the capacity of a ship or freight car; ability; legal competency; a person s ability to understand the nature and effect of the act in which he is engaged and the business which he is transacting. Tiger v Lozier, 124 Okla 260,… … Ballentine's law dictionary
holding ability — index capacity (maximum) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
water-holding capacity — See specific retention … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
capacity — I. noun (plural ties) Etymology: Middle English capacite, from Middle French capacité, from Latin capacitat , capacitas, from capac , capax Date: 15th century 1. legal competency or fitness < capacity to stand trial > 2. a. the potential or… … New Collegiate Dictionary