hinged back

hinged back
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Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "hinged back" в других словарях:

  • hinged-back tortoise — noun : any of various grotesque tropical African tortoises that constitute a genus Kinixys of the family Testudinidae and have the posterior part of the carapace hinged …   Useful english dictionary

  • Home's Hinge-back Tortoise — Taxobox name = Home s Hinge back Tortoise status = VU | status system = IUCN3.1 regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Reptilia ordo = Testudines familia = Testudinidae genus = Kinixys species = K. homeana binomial = Kinixys homeana… …   Wikipedia

  • Natal Hinge-back Tortoise — Taxobox name = Natal Hinge back Tortoise status = LR/nt | status system = IUCN2.3 regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Reptilia ordo = Testudines familia = Testudinidae genus = Kinixys species = K. natalensis binomial = Kinixys… …   Wikipedia

  • Suicide door — A suicide door is a car door that is hinged on the edge closer to the rear of the vehicle, known as the trailing edge. [http://www.chalkhillmedia.org/Museum/historic automotive terms.htm] , Suicide door definition.] [http://www.diseno… …   Wikipedia

  • TAG Heuer — Infobox Company name = TAG Heuer SA type = Member of the LVMH group foundation = 1860 by Edouard Heuer location city = La Chaux de Fonds location country = Switzerland location = locations = key people = Jean Christophe Babin, President CEO Jack… …   Wikipedia

  • Sutton Hoo — restored). Although based on helmets of the spangenhelm type, the immediate comparisons are with contemporary Vendel Age helmets from eastern Sweden.] Sutton Hoo near Woodbridge, Suffolk, England, is the site of two Anglo Saxon cemeteries of the… …   Wikipedia

  • chair table — noun : a table convertible into a chair or settle by raising the hinged top to form the back of a chair whose seat lies between the upright supports * * * an article of furniture, produced esp. in colonial America, that can serve as either a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Morris Chair — Recently constructed version of the Morris Chair A Morris chair is an early type of reclining chair. The design was adapted by William Morris s firm, Morris Company from a prototype owned by Ephraim Colman in rural Sussex, England. It was first… …   Wikipedia

  • Zenit (camera) — This article is about the Russian camera brand. For the astronomic or geodetic instruments directed to the zenith, see Zenith camera. : For other uses, see Zenit (disambiguation). Zenit is a Russian (and formerly Soviet) camera brand manufactured …   Wikipedia

  • chair table — an article of furniture, produced esp. in colonial America, that can serve as either a table or a chair, having, as a chair, a large, usually circular, hinged back that can be pulled down and rested on the arms to form a tabletop. [1550 60] * * * …   Universalium

  • daybed — /day bed /, n. 1. a couch that can be used as a sofa by day and a bed by night. 2. a couch, esp. of the 17th or 18th century, in the form of a usually armless chair, with a greatly elongated seat supported by extra legs and a slanted, sometimes… …   Universalium

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