- heat station
- теплоцентраль
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Heat pollution — (atmospheric) is a term used to describe the release of heat into the environment by human activities. [citeweb|title=Air Pollution the Urban Heat Island|url=http://iri.columbia.edu/ bhoch/bergen/pdf/lec14notes.pdf|publisher= The Earth Institute… … Wikipedia
Heat (magazine) — Infobox Magazine title = Heat editor = Julian Linley frequency = Weekly category = Entertainment publisher = Bauer Verlagsgruppe firstdate = 1999 country = flag|United Kingdom language = British English website = [http://www.heatworld.com… … Wikipedia
Heat wave of 2006 derecho series — The heat wave of 2006 derecho series was a series of severe wind events associated with powerful thunderstorms, known as derechos, that occurred in a five day period between July 17 and July 21, 2006. The first storms took place across a wide… … Wikipedia
Heat-only boiler station — A heat only boiler station generates thermal energy in the form of hot water for use in district heating applications. Unlike combined heat and power installations which produce thermal energy as a by product of electricity generation, heat only… … Wikipedia
Heat Rate — The ratio of fuel energy input as heat per unit of net work output; a measure of a power plant thermal efficiency, generally expressed as Btu per net kilowatt hour. A measure of generating station thermal efficiency and generally expressed as … Energy terms
Heat exchanger — An interchangeable plate heat exchanger Tubular heat exchan … Wikipedia
Heat flux sensor — A heat flux sensor is a commonly used name for a transducer generating a signal that is proportional to the local heat flux. This heat flux can have different origins; in principle convective , radiative as well as conductive heat can be measured … Wikipedia
Station spatiale internationale — Pour les articles homonymes, voir ISS. Station spatiale internationale Assemblage … Wikipédia en Français
Heat recovery steam generator — A heat recovery steam generator or HRSG is a heat exchanger that recovers heat from a hot gas stream. It produces steam that can be used in a process or used to drive a steam turbine. A common application for an HRSG is in a combined cycle power… … Wikipedia
Heat Radio (Digital) — Infobox Radio station name = Heat Radio area = Central Lancashire, Greater London, Humberside, Leeds, Liverpool, South Yorkshire, Teesside, Tyne and Wear slogan = Your Tune Your Rhythm airdate = 2003 frequency= DAB, Online format = Adult… … Wikipedia
heat power plant — termofikacinė elektrinė statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. district heating power station; heat power plant; heat electric generating plant vok. Heizkraftwerk, n rus. теплоэлектроцентраль, f pranc. centrale thermoélectrique, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas