
1) габаритная высота, внутренняя высота помещения, высота помещения (в свету)
2) просвет (арки, моста)
3) англ. "высота туннеля или моста над дорогой" (дорожный знак)
* * *
высота помещения в свету (от пола до потолка)
- clear headroom

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "headroom" в других словарях:

  • Headroom — Head room ( r[=oo]m ), n. (Arch.) See {Headway}, 2. [Mostly Brit.] [1913 Webster +PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • headroom — (n.) space above the head, 1851, from HEAD (Cf. head) (n.) + ROOM (Cf. room) (n.) …   Etymology dictionary

  • headroom — ► NOUN ▪ the space between the top of a vehicle or a person s head and the ceiling or other structure above …   English terms dictionary

  • headroom — [hed′ro͞om΄] n. 1. space or clearance overhead, as in a doorway, tunnel, etc. 2. the temporary increase in volume or power that a high fidelity audio component can accommodate without distortion …   English World dictionary

  • Headroom — In a digital and analog audio systems, headroom is the amount by which linear signal capabilities exceed actual signal level. In digital audio, headroom is defined as the amount that full scale (FS) exceeds the permitted maximum level (PML) in dB …   Wikipedia

  • headroom — [[t]he̱druːm[/t]] N UNCOUNT Headroom is the amount of space below a roof or bridge. The forecabin, with 6ft headroom, also has plenty of room to stand and get dressed …   English dictionary

  • Headroom — Aussteuerungsreserve, im Englischen Headroom, bezeichnet den Unterschied zwischen Nennpegel und Maximalpegel. Er ist zu unterscheiden von dem in der deutschen Literatur geprägten Begriff Übersteuerungsreserve. [1] Typische Programmpegel im… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • headroom — /hed roohm , room /, n. 1. Naut. the clear space between two decks. 2. Also called headway. clear vertical space, as between the head and sill of a doorway or between the ceiling and floor of an attic room at a certain point, esp. such height as… …   Universalium

  • headroom — noun a) the vertical clearance above someones head, as in a tunnel, doorway etc b) the ability of a system to reproduce loud sounds free …   Wiktionary

  • headroom — TV Space between the top of a subject s head and a frame’s upper screen edge. Too much headroom makes the subject appear to fall out of the frame. Too little may cut the top of the subject’s head out of the frame when the image is shown on TV… …   Audio and video glossary

  • Headroom (disambiguation) — Headroom or HeadRoom may refer to: * Headroom, in digital and analog audio signal processing, the difference between the nominal signal value and the maximum undistorted value * Headroom, in camera work, the space between the top of the head and… …   Wikipedia

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