graphical solution

graphical solution
решение графическим путём
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графическое решение

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "graphical solution" в других словарях:

  • graphical solution — grafinis sprendinys statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. graphical solution vok. graphische Lösung, f; zeichnerische Lösung, f rus. графическое решение, n pranc. solution graphique, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • solution graphique — grafinis sprendinys statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. graphical solution vok. graphische Lösung, f; zeichnerische Lösung, f rus. графическое решение, n pranc. solution graphique, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • Compact Application Solution Language — (CASL) is a programming language used to create computer programs for Palm OS, and Microsoft Windows desktops, laptops, and Pocket PCs with Windows Mobile. It is published by WAGWARE Systems, Inc., and Brainyware, LLC. As a language, CASL is… …   Wikipedia

  • Diode modelling — In electronics, diode modelling refers to the mathematical models used to approximate the actual behavior of real diodes to enable calculations and circuit analysis. A diode s I V curve is nonlinear (it is well described by the Shockley diode… …   Wikipedia

  • Ferroresonance — The phenomenon of Ferroresonance is the occurrence of an unstable high voltage, typically on 3 phase electrical systems which only occurs under specific conditions. The nature of the overvoltage can cause the failure of equipment.Ferroresonance… …   Wikipedia

  • Transcendental equation — A transcendental equation is an equation containing a transcendental function. Examples of such an equation are:x = e^{ x} :x = sin (x) olution methodsSome methods of finding solutions to a transcendental equation use graphical or numerical… …   Wikipedia

  • Route assignment — Route assignment, route choice, or traffic assignment concerns the selection of routes (alternative called paths) between origins and destinations in transportation networks. It is the fourth step in the conventional transportation forecasting… …   Wikipedia

  • Coin problem — With only 2 pence and 5 pence coins, one cannot make 3 pence, but one can make any higher amount. The coin problem (also referred to as the Frobenius coin problem or Frobenius problem, after the mathematician Ferdinand Frobenius) is a… …   Wikipedia

  • Human cognitive reliability correlation — (HCR) is a technique used in the field of Human reliability Assessment (HRA), for the purposes of evaluating the probability of a human error occurring throughout the completion of a specific task. From such analyses measures can then be taken to …   Wikipedia

  • Atmospheric reentry — refers to the movement of human made or natural objects as they enter the atmosphere of a planet from outer space, in the case of Earth from an altitude above the edge of space. This article primarily addresses the process of controlled reentry… …   Wikipedia

  • Newell-Daganzo Merge Model — Variables included in Newell Daganzo merge model represented on diagram of merging traffic branches. In traffic flow theory, the Newell Daganzo merge model describes a simple procedure on how to determine the flows exiting two branch roadways and …   Wikipedia

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