
1) товар, товары; изделия; материалы
2) движимость

goods in bond — товары, сложенные на таможенном складе и не оплаченные пошлиной

goods in process — незавершённое производство

to damage goods — повредить товар

to reject goods — отказаться от принятия товара, забраковать товар

to ship goods — отгрузить товар

- goods of the principal - ascertained goods - capital goods - checking of goods - construction goods - cost of goods - damage to goods - defective conditions of the goods - delay in delivery of goods - durable goods - engineering goods - faulty goods - final goods - half-finished goods - industrial goods - loading of goods - metal goods - output goods - packed goods - packing of goods - permit for importation of the goods - place of delivery of goods - placing of goods at buyer's disposal - properties of goods - quality of goods - rainwater goods - rejection of goods - shipment of goods - shipped goods - specific goods - storage goods - unpacked goods - unsatisfactory goods
* * *
товары; изделия; материалы
- foundry goods
- half-finished goods
- red label goods

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "goods" в других словарях:

  • goods — I noun appurtenances, articles of commerce, assets, belongings, chattels, commodities, consumer durables, durables, effects, items, materials, paraphernalia, personal estate, possessions, produce, products, property, resources, staples, stock,… …   Law dictionary

  • goods — W2S2 [gudz] n [plural] 1.) things that are produced in order to be sold electrical/industrial/agricultural etc goods ▪ furniture, carpets and other household goods ▪ the large market for consumer goods (=televisions, washing machines etc) ▪… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • goods — [ gudz ] noun plural *** 1. ) objects produced for sale: a store specializing in leather goods stolen goods: Wilkins was found in possession of $8,000 worth of stolen goods. goods and services: The cost of household goods and services fell. 2. )… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • goods — [goodz] pl.n. 1. movable personal property 2. merchandise; wares 3. fabric; cloth 4. Brit. freight: usually used attributively ☆ deliver the goods Informal to do or produce …   Universalium

  • goods — plural noun 1》 (goods) merchandise or possessions.     ↘[often as modifier] Brit. freight: a goods train. 2》 (the goods) informal exactly what is required. Phrases come up with (or deliver) the goods informal do what is expected …   English new terms dictionary

  • goods — [goodz] pl.n. 1. movable personal property 2. merchandise; wares 3. fabric; cloth 4. Brit. freight: usually used attributively ☆ deliver the goods Informal to do or produce the thing required ☆ get the goods on or have the goods on Sl …   English World dictionary

  • Goods — ist der Name folgender Personen: Torsten Goods (* 1980), deutscher Jazzmusiker Goods bezeichnet außerdem: Goods Island (auch: Palilug), australische Insel Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Goods — Goods, n. pl. See {Good}, n., 3. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • goods — [n1] personal possessions appurtenances, belongings, chattels, effects, encumbrances, equipment, furnishings, furniture, gear, impedimenta, movables, paraphernalia, property, stuff, things, trappings; concept 446 goods [n2] merchandise bolt,… …   New thesaurus

  • Goods — Goods, bei Tiernamen Abkürzung für Harry D. S. Goodsir, engl. Zoolog; Krebse …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • goods — property, late 13c., from plural of GOOD (Cf. good) (n.), which had the same sense in Old English. Meaning “saleable commodities” is mid 15c.; colloquial sense of “stolen articles” is from 1900; hence figurative use, “evidence of… …   Etymology dictionary

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