
1) стекло
2) ("glass") "стекло" (маркировка на грузе)
3) барометр
4) песочные часы
5) стеклянный
6) стеклить, покрывать стеклом

multiple glass unit — стеклопакет

to glass in — остеклять

to anneal glass — отжигать стекло

to blow glass — выдувать стекло

to cast glass — отливать стекло

to cut glass — гранить стекло

to draw glass — вытягивать стекло

to frost glass — матировать стекло

to grind glass — шлифовать стекло

to reinforce glass — армировать стекло

to roll glass — прокатывать стекло

to set glass in windows — вставлять стёкла в окна

to temper glass — закалять стекло

to tint glass — окрашивать стекло (с помошью красящих добавок)

- alabaster glass - alumina-borosilicate glass - anti-burglar glass - armoured glass - bevelled glass - bulletproof glass - bullet-resistant glass - camphor glass - cast glass - cathedral glass - cellular glass - coloured glass - compound glass - corded glass - corrugated glass - cracked glass - crystal glass - crystal-sheet glass - dim glass - dolomite glass - double-strength glass - enamelled glass - faceted glass - fibre glass - figured sheet glass - flint glass - float glass - frosted glass - gauge glass - ground glass - heavy flint glass - hollow glass - insulating glass - laminated glass - lead glass - light-diffusing glass - liquid glass - magnifying glass - marbled glass - non-splitting glass - obscured glass - optically flawless glass - pane of glass - pigmented glass - plate glass - polished glass - prism tile glass - rough-cast glass - safety glass - shattered glass - shatterproof glass - sheet glass - sight glass - silex glass - silica glass - single strength glass - smoked glass - solar glass - stained glass - structural glass - tempered glass - test glass - uviol glass - Venetian glass - water glass - water potash glass - window glass - wired glass - zinc-silicate glass
* * *

to glass in — остеклять

- actinic glass
- alkali-resistant glass
- anti-actinic glass
- antisun glass
- architectural glass
- armored glass
- ball-proof glass
- beveled glass
- bulletproof glass
- camphor glass
- cases glass
- case glass
- cellular glass
- common window glass
- cranberry glass
- crashworthy glass
- custard glass
- deal glass
- decorative glass
- depolished glass
- diffusing glass
- dimming glass
- drawn sheet glass
- E glass
- end-of-day glass
- expanded glass
- faceted glass
- faceted glass framed in concrete
- fiber glass
- fibered glass
- figured glass
- float glass
- flat glass
- foamed glass
- foam glass
- gauge glass
- heat absorbing plate glass
- heat absorbing glass
- heat-strengthened glass
- ice-flow glass
- ice-patterned glass
- insulating glass
- laminated glass
- light-diffusing glass
- liquid glass
- matte-surfaced glass
- multiple glass
- multiple-layered glass
- multiple-layer glass
- nonbreakable glass
- obscure glass
- opal glass
- overlay glass
- pigmented glass
- plate glass
- prismatic glass
- quartz glass
- reflective glass
- register glass
- reinforced glass
- safety glass
- shatterproof glass
- sheet glass
- sight glass
- silica glass
- solar glass
- stained glass
- structural glass
- sun protection glass
- tempered glass
- toughened glass
- visionproof glass
- volcanic glass
- water glass
- water gauge glass
- window glass
- wired glass

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "glass" в других словарях:

  • glass — glass …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • Glass — (gl[.a]s), n. [OE. glas, gles, AS. gl[ae]s; akin to D., G., Dan., & Sw. glas, Icel. glas, gler, Dan. glar; cf. AS. gl[ae]r amber, L. glaesum. Cf. {Glare}, n., {Glaze}, v. t.] [1913 Webster] 1. A hard, brittle, translucent, and commonly… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Glass — oder Glaß ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Andrea Glass (* 1976), deutsche Tennisspielerin Bernhard Glass (* 1957), deutscher Rennrodler Carter Glass (1858−1946), US amerikanischer Politiker Frank Glaß (* 1965), deutscher Fußballspieler… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • GLASS —    Glass results from the heating of a mixture of sand, lime, and sodium carbonate to a very high temperature. When different materials are added to the sand, glass can become transparent, translucent, or colored. While the origins of glass are… …   Historical Dictionary of Architecture

  • glass — [ glæs ] noun *** ▸ 1 clear substance ▸ 2 for drinking out of ▸ 3 objects made of glass ▸ 4 mirror ▸ 5 barometer ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) uncount a hard clear substance used for making objects such as windows or bottles: car windows made of bulletproof… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • glass — O.E. glæs glass, a glass vessel, from W.Gmc. *glasam (Cf. O.S. glas, M.Du., Du. glas, Ger. Glas, O.N. gler glass, looking glass, Dan. glar), from PIE *ghel to shine, glitter (Cf. L. glaber smooth, bald, O.C.S. gladuku …   Etymology dictionary

  • GLASS (P.) — GLASS PHILIP (1937 ) Le compositeur américain Philip Glass naît le 31 janvier 1937 à Baltimore. Son père, disquaire et réparateur de radio, initie le jeune Philip à la musique en lui faisant écouter de nombreux disques. À l’âge de huit ans, il… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • glass — [ glas ] n. m. • 1628 glace; all. Glas, glass 1886 d apr. l angl. ♦ Arg. Vieilli Verre (d une boisson alcoolisée). Des glass. ⊗ HOM. Glace. ⇒GLASS, subst. masc. Pop. Verre à boire : • POTIRON. C est moi qui fais le chef d orchestre. VANDERAGUE.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • glass — [glas, gläs] n. [ME glas < OE glæs, akin to Ger glas < IE base * ĝhel , to shine > GOLD, GLINT, GLOW] 1. a hard, brittle substance made by fusing silicates with soda or potash, lime, and, sometimes, various metallic oxides into a molten… …   English World dictionary

  • glass´i|ly — glass|y «GLAS ee, GLAHS », adjective, glass|i|er, glass|i|est, noun, plural glass|ies. –adj. 1. like glass; smooth; easily seen through: » …   Useful english dictionary

  • glass|y — «GLAS ee, GLAHS », adjective, glass|i|er, glass|i|est, noun, plural glass|ies. –adj. 1. like glass; smooth; easily seen through: » …   Useful english dictionary

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