
гипс (скульптурный); шпаклёвка, шпатлёвка (для декоративной окраски)
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шпатлёвка (под декоративную окраску); грунтовка

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "gesso" в других словарях:

  • Gesso — [ dIPA|ʒɛsIPA|ːo] is the Italian word for Board chalk (akin to the Greek word gypsum ), and is a powdered form of the mineral calcium carbonate used in art. Gesso was traditionally mixed with animal glue, usually rabbit skin glue, to use as an… …   Wikipedia

  • Gesso — ist der italienische Begriff für Gips oder Kreide und bezeichnet die traditionelle Grundierung auf Leinwänden. Gesso ist der Oberbegriff für eine Substanz, die aus Hasenhautleim und Schlämmkreide (Kalziumkarbonat) besteht. Der Begriff ist die… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • gesso — / dʒɛs:o/ s.m. [lat. gypsum, dal gr. gýpsos ]. 1. (miner.) [minerale monoclino, costituito da solfato di calcio biidrato, che si presenta in masse granulari o in cristalli sfaldabili]. 2. (estens.) a. [bastoncino, costituito dal minerale macinato …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • gesso — |ê| s. m. 1. Sulfato de cal hidratado. (Misturado com água, o gesso faz presa formando uma massa ao mesmo tempo sólida e tenra. Utiliza se esta propriedade para a reprodução de esculturas, a imobilização de membros fraturados, na construção,… …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • Gesso — Ges so, n. [It., chalk, plaster.] 1. Plaster of Paris, or gypsum, esp. as prepared for use in painting, or in making bas reliefs and the like; by extension, a plasterlike or pasty material spread upon a surface to fit it for painting or gilding,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • gesso — GÉSSO s. n. 1. (statuetă de) ghips. 2. (pict.) strat gros format din clei şi culoare albă. (< it. gesso) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN …   Dicționar Român

  • gesso — plaster of Paris, 1590s, from It. gesso, from L. gypsum (see GYPSUM (Cf. gypsum)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • gesso — ► NOUN ▪ a hard compound of plaster of Paris or whiting in glue, used in sculpture. ORIGIN Italian, from Greek gupsos gypsum …   English terms dictionary

  • gesso — [jes′ō] n. [It, gypsum, chalk < L gypsum, GYPSUM] plaster of Paris (or, now, chalk) mixed with glue and applied to flat or carved surfaces or as bas reliefs, etc. and then painted, gilded, etc …   English World dictionary

  • Gesso — Le Gesso (mot italien venant du grec « gypse » ou plâtre) est un enduit à base de plâtre et de colle animale, utilisé pour préparer, à partir du Moyen Age, les panneaux de bois destinés à être peints, notamment à la tempera puis à l… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • gesso — /jes oh/, n., pl. gessoes. 1. gypsum or plaster of Paris prepared with glue for use as a surface for painting. 2. any plasterlike preparation to prepare a surface for painting, gilding, etc. 3. a prepared surface of plaster or plasterlike… …   Universalium

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