geothermal energy

geothermal energy
геотермальная энергия

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "geothermal energy" в других словарях:

  • Geothermal Energy —   Energy produced by the internal heat of the earth; geothermal heat sources include: hydrothermal convective systems; pressurized water reservoirs; hot dry rocks; manual gradients; and magma. Geothermal energy can be used directly for heating or …   Energy terms

  • geothermal energy — Power obtained by using heat from the Earth s interior. Most geothermal resources are in regions of active volcanism. Hot springs, geysers, pools of boiling mud, and fumaroles are the most easily exploited sources. The ancient Romans used hot… …   Universalium

  • geothermal energy — noun energy derived from the heat in the interior of the earth • Hypernyms: ↑heat, ↑heat energy * * * geothermal energy noun Energy extracted from the earth s natural heat, ie from hot springs and certain kinds of rock • • • Main Entry:… …   Useful english dictionary

  • geothermal energy — /dʒioʊθɜməl ˈɛnədʒi/ (say jeeohthermuhl enuhjee) noun the energy derived from heat continuously produced from within the earth, used as a renewable source of heating and power. Geothermal energy is generated in the earth s core by the slow decay… …  

  • geothermal energy — geoterminė energija statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Atsinaujinanti šiluminė energija, akumuliuota Žemės gelmėse. atitikmenys: angl. geothermal energy vok. Erdwärme, f; Geothermalenergie, f rus. геотермическая энергия, f …   Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

  • Geothermal energy in the United States — continues to be an area of considerable activity. The USA is the world leader in online capacity of geothermal energy and the generation of electricity from geothermal energy. [ 6… …   Wikipedia

  • Geothermal energy exploration in Central Australia — is an area of considerable activity, which involves finding vast blocks of hot rocks with fracture systems that could generate electricity through water being injected, circulated through the fractures, and being returned to surface as steam.… …   Wikipedia

  • Geothermal energy and aquaculture — Some 16 countries use geothermal energy for aquaculture, including China, Israel, and the United States. [ [ Stabilizing Climate ] in Lester R. Brown, Plan B 2.0 Rescuing a Planet Under Stress and… …   Wikipedia

  • geothermal energy — noun heat under the ground used to heat water and make steam to turn generator turbines and make electricity …   Wiktionary

  • Hot dry rock geothermal energy — (HDR) is a type of geothermal power production that uses the very high temperatures (approx 200 Celsius) that can be found in rocks a few kilometers below ground. Electricity is generated by pumping high pressure water down a borehole (injection… …   Wikipedia

  • Rotorua City Geothermal Energy Empowering Act 1967 — Infobox NZ Legislation short title= Rotorua City Geothermal Energy Empowering Act 1967 long title=An Act to enable the Rotorua City Council to make provisions for the control of the tapping and use of geothermal energy in the City of Rotorua… …   Wikipedia

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