general contractor

general contractor
1) генеральный подрядчик
2) подрядчик, выполняющий основные строительные работы
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1. генеральный подрядчик
2. подрядчик, выполняющий основные строительные работы

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "general contractor" в других словарях:

  • general contractor — ➔ contractor * * * general contractor UK US noun [C] (US PRODUCTION, PROPERTY ► a person or company that agrees to manage a project, especially a building project, and provide materials and workers, and that might employ subcontractors to do… …   Financial and business terms

  • general contractor — n: a person or business entity that contracts to be in charge of a building project usu. involving the use of subcontractors – called also original contractor, prime, prime contractor; Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

  • general contractor — n. a person who contracts to construct a building or buildings, for a stipulated sum, in accordance with certain plans and specifications, or to remodel or build an addition to a building * * * …   Universalium

  • general contractor — n. a person who contracts to construct a building or buildings, for a stipulated sum, in accordance with certain plans and specifications, or to remodel or build an addition to a building …   English World dictionary

  • General contractor — A general contractor is responsible for the day to day oversight of the construction site, management of vendors and trades, and keeping communication between the involved parties open and clear throughout the course of a project.[1] A general… …   Wikipedia

  • general contractor — noun A contractor hired to manage a project and to hire subcontractors. (If a customer serves as their own general contractor then this means they undertake the management tasks and the hiring of subcontractors.) …   Wiktionary

  • general contractor — One who contracts for the construction of an entire building or project, rather than for a portion of the work. The general contractor hires subcontractors (e.g. plumbing, electrical, etc.), coordinates all work, and is responsible for payment to …   Black's law dictionary

  • general contractor — One who contracts for the construction of an entire building or project, rather than for a portion of the work. The general contractor hires subcontractors (e.g. plumbing, electrical, etc.), coordinates all work, and is responsible for payment to …   Black's law dictionary

  • General Contractor — Eine Zenekon (jap. ゼネコン, von engl. General Contractor, wörtlich: „Generalunternehmer“) nennt man in Japan eine sehr große Baufirma. Eine Zenekon führt typischerweise alle mit dem Bau eines Gebäudes verbundenen Tätigkeiten aus: Sie ist also oft… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • contractor — con·trac·tor / kän ˌtrak tər, kən trak / n: one that contracts: as a: one that contracts to perform work or provide supplies b: one that contracts to erect buildings Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

  • contractor — con‧trac‧tor [kənˈtræktə ǁ ˈkɑːntræktər] noun [countable] COMMERCE a person or company that makes an agreement to do work or provide goods in large amounts for another company: • The company has no plans to expand the use of contractors in place… …   Financial and business terms

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