gate pier

gate pier
столб ворот
* * *
воротный столб

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "gate pier" в других словарях:

  • Pier 39 — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Pier 39, San Francisco, California …   Wikipedia Español

  • Pier 39 — is a shopping center and popular tourist attraction built on a pier in San Francisco, California. At Pier 39, there are shops, restaurants, a video arcade, street performances, an interpretive center for the Marine Mammal Center, the Aquarium of… …   Wikipedia

  • Pier 41 — is a ferry terminal in San Francisco. Pier 41 is for sale as of 9/2006, and expected to be on the market for 2008. The former headquarters of Blue Gold Fleet, their box offices are now located at Pier 39. The ferries are all at Pier 41.The Pier… …   Wikipedia

  • gate — gate1 /gayt/, n., v., gated, gating. n. 1. a movable barrier, usually on hinges, closing an opening in a fence, wall, or other enclosure. 2. an opening permitting passage through an enclosure. 3. a tower, architectural setting, etc., for… …   Universalium

  • pier — /pear/, n. 1. a structure built on posts extending from land out over water, used as a landing place for ships, an entertainment area, a strolling place, etc.; jetty. 2. (in a bridge or the like) a support for the ends of adjacent spans. 3. a… …   Universalium

  • gate — I [[t]geɪt[/t]] n. v. gat•ed, gat•ing 1) a movable barrier, usu. on hinges, closing an opening in a fence, wall, or other enclosure 2) an opening permitting passage through an enclosure 3) a tower, architectural setting, etc., for defending or… …   From formal English to slang

  • Gate Tower Building — The Gate Tower Building (Japanese ゲートタワービル ), it is the office building of the terrestrial 16 floor building which is the Osaka city Fukushima Ku. Alias “beehive (Bee Hive)” with, Bee Hive “the honeycomb”, in the sense, “bustling place”.ummaryAs… …   Wikipedia

  • pier — [[t]pɪər[/t]] n. 1) civ a structure built on posts extending from land out over water, used as a landing place for ships, an entertainment area, etc 2) civ (in a bridge or the like) a support for the ends of adjacent spans 3) bui a square pillar… …   From formal English to slang

  • pier — /pɪə / (say pear) noun 1. a structure built out into the water to serve as a landing place for ships, and, sometimes, protect a harbour; a breakwater; jetty. 2. such a structure used as a pleasure promenade. 3. one of the supports of a span of a… …  

  • Golden Gate Bridge — Carries 6 lanes of …   Wikipedia

  • Hyde Street Pier — The Hyde Street Pier is a historic ferry pier located on the northern waterfront of San Francisco, California, amidst the tourist zone of Fisherman s Wharf.Prior to the opening of the Golden Gate Bridge and the San Francisco – Oakland Bay Bridge …   Wikipedia

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