- garage driveway
- подъездная дорожка к гаражу
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Garage sale — For the episode of The Office, see Garage Sale (The Office). Yard sale in Durham, North Carolina. A garage sale, also known as a yard sale, rummage sale, tag sale, lawn sale, attic sale, moving sale, or junk sale, is an informal, irregularly… … Wikipedia
Driveway — to a farm Driv … Wikipedia
driveway — ☆ driveway [drīv′wā΄ ] n. a private way or road for cars, leading from a street or road to a garage, house, etc … English World dictionary
Garage (house) — Cleanup|date=July 2008A residential garage is part of a home, or an associated building, designed or used for storing a vehicle or vehicles. In some places the term is used synonymously with carport , though that term normally describes a… … Wikipedia
garage sale — noun a sale of used household goods in the driveway or garage of someones home … Wiktionary
driveway — /druyv way /, n. 1. a road, esp. a private one, leading from a street or other thoroughfare to a building, house, garage, etc. 2. any road for driving on. [1865 70, Amer.; DRIVE + WAY] * * * … Universalium
driveway — noun Short private road that leads to a house or garage … Wiktionary
driveway — drive•way [[t]ˈdraɪvˌweɪ[/t]] n. 1) a road, esp. a private one, leading from a street or other thoroughfare to a building, house, garage, etc 2) any road for driving on • Etymology: 1865–70, amer … From formal English to slang
driveway — A short drive, often leading to a garage … Dictionary of automotive terms
Packard's garage — Packard s garage, is a museum where Hewlett Packard was founded. Is now considered to be the Birthplace of Silicon Valley [http://www.hp.com/hpinfo/newsroom/feature stories/2005/05garage.html] .It has been restored at the original property, at… … Wikipedia
Marcia Trimble — (1965 ndash; 1975) was nine years old when she left her family s Green Hills home in Nashville, Tennessee, on February 25, 1975. Marcia was delivering a neighbor some Girl Scout cookies. Her body was found 33 days later on Easter Sunday (March… … Wikipedia