- gantry crane
- козловой кран* * *козловой кран
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Gantry crane — Both overhead travelling cranes and gantry cranes are types of crane which lift objects by a hoist which is fitted in a trolley and can move horizontally on a rail or pair of rails fitted under a beam. An overhead travelling crane , also known as … Wikipedia
gantry crane — noun : a bridge crane in which the beam or bridge is carried at each end by a trestle that travels on tracks on the ground * * * gantry crane noun A crane in bridge form with vertical supports running on parallel tracks • • • Main Entry: ↑gantry… … Useful english dictionary
gantry crane — A large crane mounted on a platform that usually runs back and forth on parallel tracks astride the work area. Often shortened to gantry … Aviation dictionary
gantry crane — noun A large crane mounted on a platform that usually runs back and forth on parallel tracks astride the work area … Wiktionary
Gantry — may refer to:*Gantry crane, a crane having a hoist fitted in a trolley for horizontal movement *Gantry (rocketry), the frame which encloses and services a rocket at its launch pad *Gantry (road sign), an overhead assembly on which highway signs… … Wikipedia
Crane (machine) — A modern crawler type derrick crane with outriggers. The latticed boom is fitted with a jib. A crane is a type of machine, generally equipped with a hoist, wire ropes or chains, and sheaves, that can be used both to lift and lower material … Wikipedia
Crane vessel — Wind Lift I, Emden harbor, Emden, Germany … Wikipedia
gantry — A frame structure that spans over something, such as an elevated platform that runs astride a work area, supported by wheels on each side. The term is short for gantry crane or gantry scaffold … Aviation dictionary
crane — Synonyms and related words: andiron, be lengthy, be prolonged, belong, chain, coal tongs, crab, crane the neck, crook, damper, derrick, erector, extend, extend out, eye, fire hook, fire tongs, firedog, forklift, gantry crane, gape, gaup, gawk,… … Moby Thesaurus
gantry — [gan′trē] n. pl. gantries [ME gauntre, altered (prob. infl. by tre, TREE) < OFr gantier, chantier < L canterius, beast of burden, trellis < Gr kanthēlios, a pack ass] 1. a frame on which barrels can be set horizontally 2. a framework… … English World dictionary
gantry — 1570s, originally four footed stand for a barrel, probably from O.N.Fr. gantier (O.Fr. chantier, 13c., store room, stock room ), from L. cantherius rafter, frame, also a gelding, from Gk. kanthelios pack ass, related to kanthelion rafter, of… … Etymology dictionary