- fund
- 1) фонд; запас; резерв2) мн. ч. денежные средства•- wage fund* * *фонд- contingency fund
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
fund — 1 n 1: a sum of money or other resources whose principal or interest is set aside for a specific objective cli·ent security fund: a fund established by each state to compensate clients for losses suffered due to their attorneys misappropriation… … Law dictionary
fund(s) — fund or funds To capitalize with a view to the production of interest. Also, to put into the form of bonds, stocks, or other securities, bearing regular interest, and to provide or appropriate a fund or permanent revenue for the payment thereof.… … Black's law dictionary
fund(s) — fund or funds To capitalize with a view to the production of interest. Also, to put into the form of bonds, stocks, or other securities, bearing regular interest, and to provide or appropriate a fund or permanent revenue for the payment thereof.… … Black's law dictionary
fund — FUND, funduri, s.n. 1. Partea de jos a unui vas, formând baza lui; cantitate de materii, lichide etc. rămasă pe această parte a vasului. ♦ Parte (mobilă) care formează baza unui butoi sau a altui recipient. ♦ Taler de lemn pe care se răstoarnă… … Dicționar Român
fund — /fund/, n. 1. a supply of money or pecuniary resources, as for some purpose: a fund for his education; a retirement fund. 2. supply; stock: a fund of knowledge; a fund of jewels. 3. funds, money immediately available; pecuniary resources: to be… … Universalium
Fund — Fund, n. [OF. font, fond, nom. fonz, bottom, ground, F. fond bottom, foundation, fonds fund, fr. L. fundus bottom, ground, foundation, piece of land. See {Found} to establish.] 1. An aggregation or deposit of resources from which supplies are or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Fund — Fund, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Funded}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Funding}.] 1. To provide and appropriate a fund or permanent revenue for the payment of the interest of; to make permanent provision of resources (as by a pledge of revenue from customs) for… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Fund — may refer to:* The process of Funding, or providing capital (funds) for a transaction, a project, a person, a business or other private or public institutions * A Collective investment scheme or vehicle, often referred to as a fund ** Mutual fund … Wikipedia
Fund — steht für: Entdeckung Fundsache; den Umgang damit regelt das Fundrecht einen archäologischen Fund, siehe Befund (Archäologie) Siehe auch: Fonds, englisch fund Wiktionary: fund – Bedeutungserklärungen, Wortherkunft, Synonyme,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
fund — [fund] n. [L fundus, bottom, land, estate (< IE * bhundhos < base * bhudh > BOTTOM): meaning infl. by Fr fond, stock, provision < same source] 1. a supply that can be drawn upon; stock; store [a fund of good humor] 2. a) a sum of… … English World dictionary
fund — [n] repository, reserve armamentarium, capital, endowment, foundation, hoard, inventory, kitty*, mine, pool*, reservoir, source, stock, store, storehouse, supply, treasury, trust, vein; concepts 332,340,710 fund [v] provide money for back,… … New thesaurus