- fork lift
- вилочный подъёмник
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
fork-lift — ˈfork lift also ˌfork lift ˈtruck noun [countable] a small vehicle with special equipment on the front for lifting and moving heavy things, for example large boxes of goods, on Pallets (= large wooden objects specially designed for this) … Financial and business terms
fork lift — fork lift, a device with horizontal metal prongs that can be inserted under a load to lift it or put it down, and is attached to the front of a small three or four wheeled tractor … Useful english dictionary
fork-lift truck — noun (short form forkˈ lift) a power driven truck with an arrangement of steel prongs which can lift, raise up high and carry heavy packages and stack them where required (often used with a pallet) • • • Main Entry: ↑fork * * * fork lift truck… … Useful english dictionary
fork-lift truck — also fork lift n a vehicle with special equipment on the front for lifting and moving heavy things … Dictionary of contemporary English
fork lift — (Lift truck) A vehicle having metal arms extended in front for picking up and moving pallets or skids … Dictionary of automotive terms
fork-lift truck — also fork lift noun (C) a small vehicle with special equipment on the front for lifting and moving heavy things … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
fork·lift — /ˈfoɚkˌlıft/ noun, pl lifts [count] : a machine that is used for lifting and moving heavy objects called also forklift truck … Useful english dictionary
fork-lift — device which is used to raise and lower loads (usually attached to a small tractor) … English contemporary dictionary
fork-lift truck — A small vehicle used tor loading in factories, warehouses, docks, etc., with two arms at the front projecting forward which fit into pallets and can be raised and lowered … Dictionary of automotive terms
fork — n. & v. n. 1 an instrument with two or more prongs used in eating or cooking. 2 a similar much larger instrument used for digging, lifting, etc. 3 any pronged device or component (tuning fork). 4 a forked support for a bicycle wheel. 5 a a… … Useful english dictionary
fork truck — noun or forklift truck ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ : a lift truck equipped with a forklift * * * fork truck, = fork lift truck. (Cf. ↑fork lift truck) … Useful english dictionary